Chapter 23

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I and Oakley arrive at Auradon prep, we get out of the car and see Mal, Ben, Jay, Beast and Belle waiting for us. They all smile.

"Hallie." Jay hugs me first before the others could have chance.

"Everyone, this is Oakley. Oakley this is my family, King Ben, his girlfriend Mal and our parents Beast and Belle. And this is Jay, my best friend." I introduce them all.

"It's really nice to meet you all, thank you for letting me come here." Oakley says.

"Of course! Any friend of our dsughter is welcome." Belle smiles.

"Queen Clarion told us everything that went off." Beast begins, Oakley gulps in fear.


"Don't worry, we know how Uma can be. It's not your fault." Ben tells her, I look around to see if Evie and Carlos were close by but nothing.

"Where's Carlos and Evie?" I ask

"Carlos is with Jane, Evie is with Doug." Mal tells me.

"Ah, I should have known." I smile. "If it's all right, can I show Oakley around?" I ask Ben.

"Why are you asking me?" He chuckles.

"You're the king. Sort of need your permission for this." I remind him.

"You may."

I just finished showing Oakley inside the prep and where she will be staying.

"So you don't stay there?" Oakley asks.

"No, I stay in the palace. Perks of being a Princess." I state. "Although, I'm sure that Audrey is doing her best to make sure I no longer stay there because I'm not a Princess by blood."

"What is the deal with her anyway?"

"She used to date Ben, until Mal came along. She never liked the idea of VK's coming here, she's always hated them."

"And what about you and her?"

"We just never got on even before she found out who my dad is, that just added to it."

"Is that why she's watching us like a hawk?"

"She's doing what she can to ruin my life, so far it's going great for her. People here are scared of me because of her." She frowns.

"Hallie? Is that you?" A voice shouts, I look around until I see the culprit jogging over to us. "Wow, it really is you. It feels like forever since I saw you last." Chad beams.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

"Who's this?" He looks at Oakley.

"My friend, Oakley."

"Wow, you managed to make a friend." Audrey speaks as she now stands with us, she fakes a smile at Oakley. "I'm Audrey, I'm sure that you already know who I am."

"Nope." Oakley shrugs, I smirk as I see Audrey look offended.

"Daughter of Aurora, sleeping beauty. I am the true queen of Auradon."

"Oh that's right I do know you!" Oakley exclaims. "The jealous princess." I laugh at her reply, oh Audrey won't like that one bit. I see Chad staring at Oakley like he's in love, oh god. Not again.

"When you want to make some real friends who aren't VK's then you know I'll be around."

"So you mean that you can't make your own friends so you have to steal others?"

"That's not the only thing she likes to steal, right Audrey?" I remark.

"You're the one who wasn't a good girlfriend." Audrey snaps at me.

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