Chapter 25

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I wave goodbye to Mal and her friends as they head back to the Isle, they're going back to pick the next VK's that would be joining the school here. I'm glad that they're finally letting more come here so that they can have a better chance at life, but I really hope that they haven't chose him. Once the VK's are picked then they'll be coming over in a week or so, so it gives them time to get their things to bring over. Ben was thriving about it, he's always been good at seeing the best in people.

"So are you ready to tell me why you didn't want to go with them? You could have seen Ha-your dad again." Ben says to me, I look at him.

"I have my reasons." I reply, only Jay knows the real reason to why I came back. Well Oakley knows a bit too but she doesn't know everything that Jay does. It's been 6 months or so now since it all happened.

"Which are?" I stay quiet. "Alright, but you know I'm always here if you need me sis." He begins to walk away, it was just us two in one of the rooms in the castle.

"He cheated." I blurt out, he stops in his tracks then turns to face me. Face full of anger.


"Hook. He cheated; I saw him kissing another girl. That's why I never want to go back, that and being a VK isn't for me. Yes I was born one, but I wasn't raised one, I promised myself that I would never go back there." He comes over to me and gives me a hug.

"I'm sorry Hallie, I had no idea."

"Only Jay and Oakley, Jay knows all of it. I didn't want more people to know."

"I'll make sure that he never gets to come here." I shake my head.

"No. That isn't you, and you know it." He sighs.

"There's gotta be something that I can do."

"Focus on the big plan. That's what you can do." I smile at him. "You don't have long left." He chuckles.

"It's all sorted, don't worry."

"Good, I can't wait to finally have a sister."

"That's if she says yes."

"Oh please, of course she's gonna say yes. She loves you." He blushes. "I'm happy that you're happy Ben."

"Me too."

-1 Week later-

"Hallie, over here." Jay shouts over to me as I walk over towards him and the others. We're all outside in front of the prep waiting for Ben and Mal, they're all going to the Isle to fetch the new VK's. But before that something very important is happening, something that Mal has no idea about.

"Hi Jay." I greet him as I stand next to him. "Hey Evie, Carlos and Oakley." I smile at them as they greet me too. I haven't seen Oakley this happy, even though its only been a few months of dating Carlos. She's a lot better, I just feel bad for Jane. She really liked him, it broke her when they broke up. Speaking of which, where is Jane? I look around until I see her stood on her own looking sad, she won't speak to me. She blames me for the whole thing, every time I try to talk to her she rushes off and ignores me.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us Hallie?" Evie questions, I shake my head no.

"Thanks, but I have some stuff that I need to take care of here." I lie, she doesn't question me anymore. People begin to cheer as Ben and Mal make their way to the stage that was made up for today.

"Still keeping the blue hair huh?" Jay smirks, I nod. Since the spell wore off I've kept it this colour, I quite like it.

"Here they come." Evie grins. Ben and Mal make their way to the front, waving and greeting people. I notice Belle and Beast clapping and looking all happy at them, things are still a little rough sometimes with them since I found out they weren't my real parents. Even though they'll always be my parents to me it's still something that I'm finding difficult to deal with, hence why I haven't called them mom or dad. Maybe one day I will again, but for now I can't. Which they understand why.

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