Chapter 22

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"I got my heart broke when I was there." I confess, I can't have her get angry or not trust me now.

"Oh." She mumbles.

"The guy and his friends became my friends. I trusted them all, but that one person. He broke me, that's why I left."

"Did you have friends in Auradon?"

"A couple, yes. I left them to be here but that is something I needed to do."

"Because of the heart break?"

"A bit, but I also wanted to explore. Meet new people."

"Why come here?"

"I don't know. Something drew me here, and I'm glad that it did."

"What's Auradon like?"

"Come back with me and find out." I know that I probably should have asked Queen Clarion and Ben first but the words escaped without a second thought.

"Really?" She gasps.

"I don't see why not."

"Nobody will like me."

"I will. Besides, not many people like me. More so since Audrey spread lies about me."

"Why would she do that?"

"She hates VK's."

"That's dumb of her."

"So what do you say? Come explore Auradon?"

"Are there rules?"

"Oh yes." I smirk.

"Like what?"

"No magic unless it's in class."

"I'd rather stay here."

"Okay." I shrug. "Well I better get my things and go see Queen Clarion."

"You're leaving?"


"But you're my friend. You can't leave." I could see the sadness in her eyes, I feel sorry for her. But I know that this was possibly the only way that Uma can't get to her.

"I gave you my offer."

"Can I have a few hours to think about it?"

"Of course."

-A Few Hours Later-

I stand with Queen Clarion and a few others at the entrance as we wait for my lift back home.

"Are you sure that you have to go?" Queen Clarion asks me.

"Sadly yes." I answer.

"I understand." She looks worried and I know why.

"Trust me, it'll be okay." I smile, she nods understanding what I meant.

"Where's Oakley?" Tilly questions. "She said that she would be here 10 minutes ago, we know that she isn't the one to be late to things." That's when I knew exactly where she'd be, before I could even tell Queen Clarion we all hear a scream. Everybody rushes to where the scream came from, there lies Oakley on the ground looking scared for her life as she stares at Uma. Peter stands in front of Oakley protectively as do the guard faries, I help Oakley up who was trying not to cry.

"You okay?" I ask, she nods lightly. "You're safe now."

"You really think that you can beat me?" Uma calls out with a laugh.

"We don't want violence." Queen Clarion informs her in a calm voice.

"Good, this will be easy then."

"Peter, no." I notice Peter had began to move forward to Uma but stops when he was told.

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