Chapter 18

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"What am I supposed to do now? I'm no longer to do anything because of Audrey. The things that I enjoyed doing, I'm no longer allowed to do. Why do I get treated different to everybody else? We have VK's here, what's the difference?" I say to Beast and Belle.

"What do you want to do?" Beast asks, he's trying to change the subject of how I feel. I think for a moment, what can I actually do around here? Nothing, I can't exactly go back to the Isle. But there is one thing I can do.


"Wait, what?" Jay now joins in.

"I want to travel to the other realms. I have no life here if I can no longer do anything, I'll just be like a prisoner or something like that. Not allowed to do anything else while others get to be free. I don't have many friends and I can't do royal stuff anymore because of the situation."

"It won't be long until other places know who you are, they may not be as kind." Is Beast really trying to put me off? Act like he's saving me from something much worse.

"You call this kind?"

"I do yes."

"So being made to not do a single thing is being kind? Being told I can no longer be in any of the clubs where I felt accepted. Knowing that because of rumours and lies spread about me I can no longer have a life, I have to ask for permission for every little thing that I want to do. The other VK's can do what they want, even when they first came here. But once it's me, I'm singled out and not allowed to do any of that."

"She has a point." Jay agrees.

"Yes, thank you Jay." Belle says, that was her way of basically saying shut up.

"What do you expect us to do?" Beast questions. "Let you go out on your own, away from us again?"

"Yes. That's exactly what you should do. It's the least you can do after everything."

"That is never happening. You're lucky we allowed you to stay on the Isle." He raises his voice. "You are my daughter and you are staying here!"

"I am Hades's daughter and I am doing what I want to!" I match his energy. "You want to keep me here forever? Good luck, because I will never stop fighting."

"I think both of you should calm down, right now." Belle says in her soft voice. "People are watching and we're not setting a good example." She was right but I don't care now, I'm used to people watching. "You're wanting to go alone?" I nod.

"You're considering it?" Beast looks to Belle.

"Yes. Hallie is right, here she is like a prisoner. They don't see her for who she really is, the kind, strong, independent woman that she is. Letting her do this, it will give her a chance to meet new people. Make new friends and feel like she belongs." I felt like I belonged on the Isle, well until what happened. But even now there's still something drawing me back, I think it's probably because I don't know who my birth mother is still.

"I'll come back." I tell them once I calmed down a little. "It's what I need to do, what I want to do."

"You can leave for a week." Beast mumbles, Belle now folds her arms and looks at him with a look that I would never want to challenge. "What? That's being generous."

"Do you really want more arguing to occur? We can not control her Beast, she has to make her own decisions." Belle reminds him.

"And look at the last one she made, she came crying back to us! She's not ready."

"I didn't come crying back to you." I snap. "I'm more ready than you'll ever be of letting me go." He looks at me. "I get it, Hades gave me up so you're doing everything to not do what he did because you swore to look after me. But I'm not that little girl you want to protect every day." He sighs.

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