Chapter 32

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"I want my mommy." Chad mumbles, Ben goes to help him, but he jumps away in fear. "No."

"It's okay." Ben slowly helps him up. "What happened, buddy?" Chad looks around, I'm guessing for Audrey. While I see Ben look at me for help.

"I know that look Ben." I tell him.

"Please, you've always been able to calm him down."

"Ugh fine." I let go off Harry's hand and walk up to Ben and Chad. "Chad? Hey it's okay, you're safe. It's me, Hallie." Chad gives me a weird look.

"Hallie? Are you my angel? Am I dead? Are we in a heaven where you're my girlfriend again and you forgive me for everything I did and we live happily ever after? Did we get married and have kids?"

"No, uh, you're alive and you're okay. And that is way too specific but no, never happening. Now what happened?" I stay calm knowing he likes to jump at the smallest of things.

"Hmm." He looks at Ben. "Ben." He gets a bit excited and pushes him against the door in a weird way excitement way, thankfully I moved out of the way. "Ben! Your face." He looks at the others. "She's gone? Huh? The door is open. I'm free. Freedom! Oh!" He quickly runs out of the cottage. "Freedom!" Harry begins to laugh; I give him a small glare hoping he'd shut up. I know full well that he won't let this go. He sees me glaring and does a small cough to try and cover up his laughing.

"I'm sorry, but that's the guy you were with? The one you were supposed to marry?" He begins to laugh again.

"Hey, he's our friend." Ben tells him.

"Oh come on, seriously."

"Yes seriously, it's not nice to laugh at others." I comment.

"We both know I'm not nice Princess." Harry says while walking up to me.

"Oh don't you worry, I know you can never be nice."

"I suggest you back up Hook." Ben warns him.

"I think we should let them have a chat." Uma speaks, everyone looks at her. "We can continue searching for clues for miss good girl gone bad but let them have a talk. Seems like if they don't things will probably get worse for them."

"We're stood right here you know; besides we don't need to talk do we Hook?" I say while looking at Harry.

"I mean if Uma says we needs to talk then she's right. She knows me better than anyone." He replies, I roll my eyes.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Ben tells her.

"I agree with Ben, he's the King so we should listen to him." I try.

"I think it's a great idea, don't you Jay?" Mal says as she looks to Jay.

"Why are you asking me?" Jay asks confused.

"You're her best friend."

"And as my best friend he'll agree with me, me and Hook don't need to talk." I attempt again.

"Well..." Jay starts, you've got to be kidding.

"Oh come on, you too? Is it just me and Ben who agree it's a bad idea?" They all look between me and Ben.

"Ben, trust me. Let them talk." Mal says in a soft voice, he nods. It was at that moment; I knew there was no way of getting out of this.

"I hate you all." I mumble.

"Let's go outside love." Harry says to me, I follow him outside.

"There's nothing to talk about Hook."

A Pirates Life for Me | Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now