Chapter 26

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After what happened on the bridge a meeting was called by Beast, it involved him, Belle, Ben, Mal and Fairy Godmother. I used to be allowed in these meetings but not since everyone found out the truth. I sit in a chair outside the room with Jay by my side.

"This sucks not being able to be in the meetings anymore." I tell Jay.

"I know, you're still Ben's sister though. Surely you'd be able to go in." He tries.

"Nope. I'm not their blood daughter remember."

"You're as close as."

"But that isn't good enough anymore." I sigh.

"I also didn't see him." I knew who he meant right away, and it wasn't my father.

"Good, it means he's staying away."

"You need to find a way to talk to him you know Hallie, you really cared about him."

"Why should I waste my time doing that when he never actually cared for me? You know what he did, he's lucky that Hades hasn't already dealt with him. Although then again I doubt that he cares either."

"Hallie, come on. We both know on this place we learn to forgive and all that other stuff, you should know that better than anybody." Jay tries.

"Don't try using the good stuff on me Jay, you're not that good at it." We both smirk at each other before I let out a sigh and look away. "I miss him. But there's nothing that I can do about it, not now. I won't ever go back there."

"I'm sorry Hals."

"Oh, you're still here Hallie?" Fairy Godmother asks as they all walk out.

"I live here so yes, I'm still here."

"Right." She gives me a fake smile.

"Is everything okay?" Nobody answers. "Right, I'm not supposed to know. Cause I'm not the daughter anymore."

"Hallie." Belle tries.

"Belle." She looks sad, like she always does when I call her Belle rather than mom. I stand up. "Don't worry, I'll leave. I know I shouldn't be here and no; I didn't hear anything." I walk away.

I find my way to Evie's cottage, her and Mal never treated me any different. They're both like my sisters, sometimes that's what I need. Just some nice sister bonding time. Once there I notice both Evie and Mal were waiting for me.

"I know I shouldn't be telling either of you this but I think you should know." Mal starts, I sit down as she tells about how the crown and scepter have been stolen.

"Who else knows about the crown and the scepter?" Evie asks Mal.

"No one. I mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures." Mal replies.

"Will this delay our bringing over more V.K.'s?"

"We're talking about closing the barrier for good." Mal hesitates, surely she can't be serious. Why would they do that?

"You can't be serious, Ben definitely wouldn't let that happen. It's always been his dream to give the VK's a chance." I exclaim.

"Hallie's right, you said no right? I mean, the four of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?" Evie comments.

"Yeah. I know. I mean, maybe security or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon."

"Is that what they're thinking? And were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in or out of the Isle ever again? What, we never get to go back and see our parents? And what about these kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted."

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