Chapter 37

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"Uh, Mal, could we not adventure in these dresses?" Evie states.

"Oh, yeah, totally. I totally get that."

"Thanks." Evie smiles.

We're now walking to the entrance where the bridge is, now all in our comfier clothes. Audrey was ahead of us discussing the wedding on her phone.

"This is better." Mal states as she looks down at her clothes.

"Right?" Evie comments, I see Mal come to a stop while Evie and Jay stop walking.

"Mal?" I ask her, Evie and Jay come back to us.

"Mal. Are you okay?" Evie asks her.

"Yeah. No, I just, um. I really wish Carlos was here." She sighs, I feel sorry for them all. They lost their best friend. That's not something you can get over.

"We all do." Evie says softly as she looks to Jay.

"We were going to wait until the reception, but now seems like a better time." He hands her a box, she opens it up and a beautiful gold charm bracelet is in it. She takes it out of the box.

"Oh. Wow. It is so beautiful." Mal says.

"It's our crests. The four VKs. Linked together forever." Evie tells her.

"I love it." Mal smiles. "Thank you, guys." She hugs them.

"Uh, so I really hate to interrupt this, but you should see this.

"What?" We all ask, we follow her to the bridge that is not lit up in flames. Uma stands on the bridge looking on.

"Whoa. Dad." I sigh.

"Uma, what happened?" Mal asks her as we approach her.

"Hades happened." Uma tells us.

"Wow. When your dad burns bridges, he literally burns bridges." Jay jokes.

"Look, I tried to catch him, okay? And get him to chill. But his hair was wild and it was blowing the wind and set the bridge on fire."

"I need to get to the aisle and bring my dad back. If you could help me, please." Mal asks Uma for help.

"For the queen on her wedding day, I got you." She runs and jumps into the sea, as she touches the water she turns into a big half octopus. "Ya'll might wanna stand back!" We run back as she splashes water on the bridge to put the flames out, Audrey didn't move in time and she got soaked. We go back once the fire was no longer there.

"Thank you, Uma." Mal says.

"Consider it my wedding present. Now go get your dad. I'll get all your guests back to the reception. I'll see you at the wedding."

"Hey, I'm never going to forget this." We make our way to the Isle, it looks so much better now. "Home sweet home."

"I love that the Isle has had a major glow up!" Evie exclaims.

"Yeah, wow. It's a lot cleaner now, too." Jay acknowledges.

"Define a lot." Audrey says.

"You still never visited when the bridge first went down?" I ask Audrey.

"Why would I?"

"Because it's part of us all now." She shrugs and goes back to her phone. I roll my eyes,

"Hey Hals, just so you know. Hook actually tried to stop your dad too, he didn't believe that he did this on purpose either." Jay informs me, I smile.

"He's smart." I say as we now get out side my dads lair, two men stand guard. I recognise one as Dave, the other is Pain.

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