Chapter 6

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"Stay out of this Hook." Jay threatens him.

"You're arguing on my ship, it's a bit hard to stay out of it." Hook tells him.

"Hallie, I don't know what's made you come here in the first place but." Ben begins.

"I know they're not my parents." I cut him off, everyone stays silent no. Everyone but Hook was looking away from me, like they all knew too. "I overheard you and them, you're the only one who thought I should know." Ben sighs. "I need more answers. Ones only my birth parents can give me."

"You're sure they want to see you?" Mal asks me, I realise that I don't know what Jay has told them. I don't want them to know that I've already seen Hades, but I guess if Jays told them then I have no choice.

"What did Jay tell you all?"

"That you were in trouble over here, didn't say who with or what. Then when we got here a guy told us they saw Hook take you." Ben answers me.

"Too late to say I went willingly?"

"You were tied up." Carlos reminds me, I shrug. "Bit of a giveaway."

"Last time I'm telling you Hallie, we're leaving. Including you."

"Again, I'm staying."

"I'm ordering you to come back Hallie!" Ben snaps at me, he's never been mad at me before. Not even growing up.

"You're not the king Ben." I snap back.

"Hallie, it's not worth it. Here isn't good like Auradon." Jay tries this time; he steps in front of me. "Please."

"My birth parents are here; I need to find out more."

"You have nowhere to stay Hallie." Evie mentions, I don't care. I'll sleep in the street if I have too.

"My old place." Mal speaks, we look at her.

"Really?" I ask, she nods.

"Mal, what are you doing?" Ben asks her in disbelief, I notice that Hook was watching us all. Smirking every now and again, like this was all some kind of show for him. But one thing I was curious about is why he went tense when Ben snapped at me.

"Giving her a chance like you did with us. She's an adult now, she can make her own mind up about here. If she came home, she'd be unhappy and doing everything to get back here." I mean, she's not wrong. Now that I'm here it's like something is drawing me. Adventure? Curiosity? Who knows, but I want to find out more about where I'm originally from.

"You're helping her? Mal, you know what it's like here. They'll be after her." Jay states, he was starting to get annoyed. That I could tell.

"I can handle myself." I comment.

"Obviously." Ben remarks.

"I can. I was caught off guard before." Ben sighs. "Hook can show me around the Isle and make sure nothing happens to me." I volunteer him.

"No, I can't." Hook immediately denies me volunteering him.

"You will." I turn to look at him. "If you don't King Beast and Queen Belle will make sure you never see anyone ever again."

"Is that a threat, princess?" For a moment I could have sworn he looked impressed.

"It's a promise since Ben will be informing his parents on what's happened here and once they know you kidnapped me, who knows what they'll do. Maybe even take your ship." He begins to glare at me. "Your hook too if I tell them you hurt me with it."

"You're mean for a princess." I smile in my victory, that's one down and just Ben left. I know Jay especially will only agree if Ben agrees to it too.

"There Ben, I have some where to stay and someone I know to make sure I'm okay."

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