Chapter 14

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"No. He says he says he doesn't know who she is but I don't believe him. He lied to me about not having any siblings, yet Hadie is my brother." I speak.

"How do you plan on finding out anyway?" Mal asks.

"I'm not sure yet." I really have no idea how I'll find out, it's not like I can ask every single mother here if they gave me up as a kid to Hades. Honestly, I'm actually liking it here. And I know why too, not just the curiousness of my family but also for a certain pirate. I don't plan on admitting it to him or anybody, but it doesn't hurt to stick around a little be longer than I'm expecting to.

"As much as I wish that we could stay, we really have to go. They're expecting us back." Evie interrupts.

"She's right, we said we would be back in 5 minutes." Carlos reminds the others, I get up and give them all a hug.

"Tell Ben that I'm okay." I say.

"We will." Mal assures me before they all leave. I go to the window and watch them as they slowly leave my view, they remind me of home. A home that I do actually miss.

"You miss it." I hear Harry's voice right by my ear, he's practically stood less than an inch from me. He's that close that I can hear his breathing, I feel myself get goosebumps at the heat of him radiating onto my body.

"What?" I manage to speak, not daring to move.

"You miss your home, your family."

"Yeah." I notice that his fingertips were slightly touching my right hand, as the silence continues his fingers get closer and closer until my hand is now in his. My heart races at his touch, Chad never made me feel like this. Nobody has. Harry's hand travels up my arm slowly until it was now on my chin very lightly, he turns my head to face him. "Ha-Harry." I whisper.

"My princess." He smirks before closing his eyes and leaning in, his lips land on mine as I close my eyes too. I feel as if I'm frozen in time, like this moment is lasting forever. I turn my body around more, so I was able to face him properly. Within a few seconds of doing that, the kiss was over. I open my eyes to see him smiling down at me. "So, how will you be getting back there anyway?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Is he actually going to ignore what just happened? How? How can he just do that?

"How will you be getting back there... You going deaf now?"

"Are you really going to ignore that?"

"Ignore what?" His eyes light up like an idea just went off in his head, oh he better not.

"Don't play that game with me Harry."

"What game princess?"


"Hallie." Even at him saying my name it was enough to make the happy feeling in my stomach appear again. "Oh you mean this?" He kisses me again, but not for as long.

"Mhmm." I nod my head not really paying attention to what I'm saying.

"Yeah, I'm gonna ignore them." He shrugs. "Just two kisses right?" The happiness soon turned into sadness and heart break, why would I expect more? He is a VK, he's admitted he likes to do this stuff.

"Of course." I quickly answer. "Just a little shocked, nothing more." I lie. It was a lot more to me and I really don't like that it was.

"Good." I walk over to the bed and sit down. "So what's your answer then about getting back?"

"I have a signal with Ben. If I do it, he'll come and get me."

"Right, just that simple huh?"

"Yeah, that simple." I tell him, he was stood staring at me. "What?"

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