Lesson 41

75 3 0

*Beacon Academy

*Evan POV

The next day in the evening, we were buying drinks from machine in a hallway after the last lesson when the PA system broadcasted an announcement

Ozpin (PA system): will Teams EVGL and FNBT report to my office immediately

Ozpin said over the PA system before it became silent, indicating the announcement is over

Noire: What does that old man want now?

Evan: I don't know. only one way to find out

I said before heading off to Ozpin's office


We stepped out of elevator arriving at Ozpin office to see the old man himself at his desk sipping his iconic mug as he waited for us to arrive

Ozpin: ah Team EVGL. Please take a seat. Team FNBT has yet to arrive

Ozpin gestured and we took out six seats from somewhere in the office and sat down as we waited for Team FNBT to arrive. A few minutes later, the elevator doors opened and Team FNBT stepped out of it

Francis: we have arrived Professor Ozpin sir

Francis announced as he and his team slowly made their way to Ozpin's desk

Ozpin: I see that everyone is here

Evan: So what do you want us for?

Ozpin: well the reason why I called you all of you here is that Roman Torchwick has relayed some information regarding the white fang's movements lately

Ozpin replied, making us interested

*Beacon Academy library

*third person POV

while Team EVGL and Team FNBT were listening to Ozpin relaying information about the White Fang's movements he received from Roman Torchwick, Ruby and her team are playing some sort of board game in the library currently 

Ruby: hmmm alright alright, Yang Xiao Long prepare for battle

Ruby exclaimed, pointing at her sister. Yang thrust her elbow down as she balls her fists

Yang: bring it on

Ruby: I deploy the Atlesian airfleet

Ruby slams her card down on the table, making Yang look in shock

Ruby: looks like I get to fly over your Ursai and attack your walls directly

Ruby then makes airplane noises, making a bird with her hand before giving the bird downwards as she made dive bombing noises

Yang: You fiend!

Ruby: and since Mantle is part of Atlas, that means my repair turn is only one

Ruby peaks her head up to see Yang laughing, making her confused

Yang: You just activated my trap card

Ruby: What?!

Yang: Giant nevermore

Yang slams a card down at the table

Yang: if I roll a seven or higher, my fatal feather will slice your fleet into two

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