Lesson 38 (R18)

71 3 4

*Valiant production ship - Vale Port

*Evan POV

We entered the bathroom in our quarters where Valiant stood on one side to remove her crown and ribbons, letting her hair flow down in the process. I was about to turn on the shower when valiant grabbed my hand

Valiant: we don't do that here

Valiant then turn on the bottom tap, causing water to pour from the bottom tap filling up the bathtub instead

Evan: that's going to take ages to fill

Valiant: yes so we'll use this time to play some chess. wait for me here my king

Valiant said before stepping outside the bathroom. I waited for a few minutes before valiant came back with a chessboard

Valiant: I'm back with a chessboard. let's fill the board up with the pieces

Valiant said as she started filling the black pieces on the chessboard. I did the same but for the white pieces instead. eventually the chessboard is filled and the game is about to begin


After finishing the first chess game, we noticed that the bathtub is partially full so we decided to play another game

Valiant: how about we switch colors for this round

Valiant suggested and I agreed before we turn the chessboard around so that Valiant end up with the white  pieces and I end up with the black pieces


After the second game we looked at the bathtub and notice that it is almost full

Valiant: well the bathtub's full. Time to bathe

Valiant said as she put the chessboard away. We slowly stepped into the water before lowering our bodies into bathtub. Valiant heaved a sigh of relief once she sat down in the bathtub full of hot water. After relaxing in the hot spa I got up and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and squirted a little on my hands

Evan: me first or you first?

Valiant: you first.

Valiant said and I nodded my head. I spread the shampoo all over my body causing my body to be covered in bubbles. After that, I added some more shampoo into my hand and helped Valiant apply the shampoo on her body, covered her in bubbles like me. With both of us covered in bubbles we sat back down it the bathtub, washing off all the bubbles off of our bodies

Valiant: my king. help me out here

Valiant said before turning to face her back to me

Evan: coming right up

I said before helping her scrub the remaining bubbles off of her body. The two of us spent a few more minutes helping each other bathe until it was time for it to end. I opened the plug connecting the bathtub to the drain, causing the water to slowly drain away from the bathtub. once that's done we went back to the sink and got changed into our sleepwear

*the next day

we woke up to our alarm clock ringing and we got out of our beds still in our sleepwear

Valiant: good morning my king

Evan: morning

Valiant: let's make it quick

Valiant said before dragging me in the shower. once we're inside we took off our sleepwear and valiant turned on the shower

Evan: no hot tub this time?

Naval Fleet to Remnant Vol 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ