Lesson 7

130 2 1

*Vale General Hospital

*Evan POV

Valiant: So what do you say my king?

Glorious: Should we drop out of Beacon?

Lexington: If you want to quit Beacon then just say it and we will leave Beacon together. otherwise we'll still attend Beacon with you. The choice is yours Evan

I closed my eyes, deep in thought while the rest looked at me, expecting an answer. after awhile I opened my eyes again and stood up

Evan: We quit. We drop out

I said my answer

Glorious Lexington and Valiant: Roger!/Ryokai!

My shipgirls acknowledged my answer

Noire: well said baka!!

Evan: You three. Take my hand. We're going to beacon to tell Ozpin that we're quitting

I said before putting my left hand out for Glorious, Lexington and Valiant to grab onto. Before they could grab my left hand, familiar voices and footsteps approached our location

??? 1: Daddy!

??? 2: Stop running you three! You're going to run into somebody

We turned to see Enterprise, Illustrious, Victoria, Calysta, Clementine, Thea and Wilhelmina running towards us with Wilhelmina carrying a basket full of flowers and chocolates

Lexington: It's the others

The group approached us with Victoria Clementine and Calysta hugging me and their respective mothers

Victoria: Daddy. How's Eleanor doing?

Thea: Mr Siegfried. Who're they?

Thea noticed Nepgear and Noire and asked me

Evan: Miss Kreutzer, meet Nepgear and Noire. Nepgear and Noire, meet Miss Thea Kreutzer and Wilhelmina of the HSF Graf Spee


Student of Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School


Student of Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School

Thea, Nepgear and Noire shook hands while both of Wilhelmina's hands were full by carrying that basket. Calysta noticed Noire and Nepgear 

Calysta: Aunty Noire! Aunty Nepgear!

Nepgear: Ssh not so loud

As my daughters were hugging Noire and Nepgear, Enterprise came towards me

Enterprise: Evan. How's Eleanor doing?

Victoria: Yeah. How's Eleanor?

???: Jeez. No need to rush him

Another voice, this time coming from Victoria's sling bag can be heard

Victoria: Don't be such a party pooper Black Kitty. I just want to know how's my sister doing

Just then, something jumped out of Victoria's sling bag and engulfed the area in a while light. When the light died down a girl with black hair, black outfit and black cats ears is standing beside us

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