Lesson 31

109 4 3

*Emerald Forest - Beacon Academy

*third person POV

After the lunch break, Team FNBT and Penny arrived at the emerald forest where penny will do her initiation test

Ozpin: please step on one of the launch pads Miss Polendina

Penny: okay

Penny stepped on one of the launch pads before looking back at Ozpin

Penny: now what?

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors and now your abilities will be evaluated in the emerald forest below you

Ozpin relayed his message before Glynda took over

Glynda: your objective is to retrieve the queen piece from the temple located in the emerald forest

Glynda relayed the objective for penny to hear before Ozpin took over

Ozpin: You will encounter grimm in the forest, so try not to die. You will be evaluated during your initiation. Good luck

Glynda: Any questions?

Penny: No

Ozpin: alright let's start the initiation in 3, 2, 1

The launch pads activated, sending penny up in the air. while penny is falling, she used her flight capabilities and landed safely on the ground startling both team FNBT and Glynda

Francis: What was that just now?

New jersey: Did she just fly?

Bismarck: impossible

Tirpitz: Just what is she?

Ozpin just sipped his mug as he watched Penny's initiation. Penny wandered around the forest killing grimm that stood in her path as she tried to find the temple holding the relic mentioned by Glynda. To make things quick she activated her thrusters on her heels to propel herself forwards.

Glynda: That girl. Just what is she?

Glynda thought as she watched the initiation. Eventually Penny reached the temple mentioned by Glynda and looked inside to see a queen chess piece sitting on a pedestal. She immediately grabbed it and used her thrusters to propel herself out of the temple while killing grimm that stood in her way.


Ozpin: Penny Polendina, you've retrieved the queen chess piece from the temple. therefore you will now be officially part of Team FNBT

Ozpin clapped his hands while penny went up to team FNBT

Penny: I did it. I'm now part of your team

Francis: yeah

Francis looked down at his scroll and grabbed it to try and call Evan. However, he eventually put it back

Francis (thought): I shouldn't. The Admiral is taking care of his Valiant so I shouldn't disturb him at the moment

Francis thought as he put his scroll back


*Evan POV

Nurse: here's your medicine

The nurse at the counter said as she passed us the medication for Valiant's stomach virus

Evan: thank you

I grabbed the medicine and left the clinic with my team

Glorious: your majesty. be sure to take your medication regularly

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