Lesson 3

181 3 2

*Vale General Hospital

*Evan POV

That night, I woke up from a few hours of sleep due to my anxiety about Eleanor's condition. Lexington, Glorious and Valiant were asleep on their respective seats with Lexington resting her head on my shoulder. The hallways were quiet and empty, just like the setting of a horror movie.

Evan (thoughts): I should get some sleep

I took one last look at the Emergency Room that Eleanor is in before looking down on my bridge coat and tried to sleep, unaware of a white glow from somewhere nearby

??? 1: Where are we?

??? 2: Looks like we're in some sort of hospital

I heard two familiar voices as I was dozing off

Evan: Must be my imagination

I shrugged it off and continued trying to doze off

??? 2: Noire san there he is! Evan!!

I heard my name being called and turned towards the source. my vision is blurry but i can make out two girls, one with light purple hair and the other with black hair, approaching me

Evan (thoughts): masaka

I recognised the two girls and rubbed my eyes and knocked my head a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Once I'm sure that I'm not dreaming, I woke up Lexington by shaking her up

Lexington: mmm

as Lexington was busy getting up, I stood up and wore my white peaked cap

Evan: Gear? Noire?

I asked in surprise as the two girls stopped in front of us

Nepgear: Yes. Sorry for being late


CPU Candidate of Planeptune

Noire: When we heard of what happened lately, we came as fast as we can


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Nepgear: Where's Eleanor?

I turned around and pointed to the emergency room

Evan: In there

Lexington: The doctors that came out all said that they haven't finished assessing Eleanor's injuries

Nepgear: Oh dear

Noire: Then where's Victoria and the rest? I'd figured they might be here

Glorious: We've sent them back for the day. they're probably in Vale Port by now

Glorious replied after she and Valiant woke up to see what the commotion is about

Noire: I see

Evan: If there's nothing else, I need to get back to sleep as it is still early in the morning

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