Lesson 12

97 3 3

*Beacon Academy

*Third Person POV

In the early hours of the morning, Evan, Glorious, Valiant, Nepgear and Noire arrived at Beacon Academy via Evan's teleportation. Lexington stayed behind in Vale Port to take care of Eleanor which is why she's not present

Noire: So this is Beacon huh? Not a bad place I must admit

Evan: The school where me, Glorious, Valiant and Lexington are currently attending until we go back to Earth

Nepgear: So where is this Ozpin?

Glorious: Most likely in his office

Evan: Glorious, Valiant and I will lead the way.

All of them went through the halls of Beacon, ignoring the gossips of students they passed by until they reached the elevator for Ozpin's office

Evan: This is it

Evan pressed the button and the elevator doors opened up

Evan: Top floor is Ozpin's office

Evan instructed and Noire pressed the top floor inside the elevator

Nepgear: So how's Ozpin like?

Noire: To me, he's a shady perverted old man that somehow know about our info

Valiant: That's why I don't trust him at all

The elevators doors opened, revealing Ozpin's office

Ozpin: Welcome Nepgear and Noire and hello Team EVGL

Ozpin greeted them at his desk drinking his mug

Noire narrowed her eyes as she glared at Ozpin while Nepgear is admiring the clockworks in the office

Ozpin: I see that you're admiring my clockworks Nepgear

Everyone turned and saw Nepgear staring at the clockworks with awe

Noire: Nepgear. Focus

Noire nudged Nepgear on the elbow

Nepgear: sorry

Evan: Now I've received your message saying that you want to enroll Noire and Nepgear into Beacon Academy correct?

Ozpin: That is correct Fleet Admiral Evan Siegfried. Now Nepgear and Noire. Are you interested in attending my school and becoming Huntresses?

Ozpin asked Nepgear and Noire as he sipped his mug

Noire and Nepgear looked at each other before looking back at Ozpin

Noire: We will join your school however we have one condition

Ozpin: What is it?

Noire: The two of us will join Evan and his team

Ozpin: Very well then. Noire. Nepgear both of you will be part of Team EVGL

Valiant: Yes! Now we're finally together!

Ozpin: However. Before you both can be officially part of Team EVGL, you two must first pass an initiation test tomorrow

Noire: initiation? what's that?

Evan: a test that you and Gear must first pass before you can be students of Beacon Academy

Ozpin: That is correct. failure will result in you being expelled

Nepgear: expelled?

Ozpin: yes

Noire: there's no way we could fail this initiation test. We're CPUs

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