Lesson 29

87 3 1


*Evan POV

Janus: Enemies are approaching from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock. Roughly 40 of them in total

Evan: !!!

Emanuele: Targets are in the red zone

Up in the sky, some atlas bullheads appeared after we've destroyed the Atlesian airship containing Jake and most likely Harriet. The bullheads open fire on us, causing the train to shake

Janus: Shield is down to 87 percent

Outside, the roof of the coaches opened up and cannons emerged from them and started shooting at the atlas bullheads

Evan: Payback time! Prepare the dispersal type ammunition

I commanded and the main guns of Big 1 aimed toward Atlesian bullheads

Emanuele: All loaded! Ready to fire!

Evan: Ute!

The mains guns fired at the Atlesian bullheads, the laser splitting itself once it's in the air. The lasers destroyed the Atlesian bullheads

Emanuele: all enemy fighters down

Evan: We did it. Janus, see if there's any station nearby to escort the train and its passengers to

Janus: Roger/Ryokai

Janus tuned back to her screen and I turned to Emanuele

Evan: Emanuele, launch Big 1 up in the air. we're flying to this station

Emanuele: Roger/Ryokai

Evan: Big 1 hasshin!

Big 1 whistled before taking off into the sky with the train coupled behind her


After arriving at the station, we decoupled the train from Big 1 and departed without even saying a goodbye to the passengers or the crew of the train.

Emanuele: Evan. is it necessary to leave without saying goodbye to the passengers?

Evan: As much as I hate it, we have to leave without saying goodbye as we haven't revealed ourselves as the ones using Big 1. Sure, we will have to reveal ourselves as the crew of Big 1 one day but that day is not today

Emanuele: Right

*Beacon Academy

Ozpin: Ah Team EVGL. I trust that the mission went smoothly

Ozpin addressed us after we arrived at his office

Evan: Yes. We've rescued the passengers with the help of the mysterious flying train

Evan (thoughts): Big 1

Ozpin: I see. The mysterious train made news just now as well. Do you want to watch?

I looked back at my team who nodded in response

Evan: alright. we'll watch it

Ozpin: very well. please take a seat

Ozpin gestures and we sat down on the chairs around in the office. Ozpin grabbed his scroll and placed them on his desk, causing a video to appear

Lisa: we interrupt your program to bring you breaking news. The mysterious train has appeared again and attacked Atlesian ships. However the mysterious train also saved the passengers held hostage by Atlas and escorted them to the nearest station. I have a witness here who claims to witness the whole thing

The camera turns to a random guy who started talking

Random guy: while we were being held hostage by atlas. There was an explosion and I saw that the Atlesian paladins guarding us have been destroyed. Up in the sky the mysterious train flew overhead, its guns pointing on the ground. The mysterious train flew for a while before landing and coupled us to it. After coupling our train, the mysterious train departed only to be pursued by Atlesian forces trying to get us back. However the mysterious train managed to fend them off and took off, bringing us to the nearest station where it dropped us off before it departed.

Lisa: Thank you and that's all for today. If you have any information regarding the mysterious train, please contact your local police department. we'll bring you back to your program now. see you later

The video then ended

Ozpin: Do you have any information about this mysterious train?

Evan: No. I'm sorry

Ozpin: very well then Team EVGL, you may now go back to Vale Port. See you at Beacon Academy tomorrow

Ozpin said before dismissing us. we got up from our seats and headed towards the elevator


*third person POV

that night, Ozpin watched the footage of Big 1 engaging atlas airships and bullheads

Ozpin: Do not think that I don't know that you're the one using that mysterious train Fleet Admiral Evan Siegfried

*Vale Port

*Evan POV

The next day, we gathered at the docks since today is a Monday and we're supposed to go back to beacon academy

Evan: Are you ready everyone?

My team checked their bags and inventories before nodding their heads

Nepgear: We're ready Evan

Evan: yosh. Let's go.

We then left Vale Port to go to Beacon Academy

Evan: Short lesson for now since I'm busy playing Neptunia Sisters vs Sisters on Steam so yeah. Also, Nepgear is joining us this time since she finished repairing Big 1 yesterday

Nepgear: Told you to not underestimate me, Evan

Evan: Yeah. Anyways, see you all next lesson

Naval fleet to remnant 2

Team EVGL Grade: -

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