Lesson 6

116 4 8

*Vale General Hospital

*Evan POV

After the ordeal with Adam, we went back to Vale General Hospital where we met up with Noire again

Noire: Baka. Are you alright?

Noire rushed up to us and asked me

Evan: Yep. Lexington and I are alright

Noire: Thank goodness

Evan: How about you? Any news about Eleanor?

Noire: No. Not yet

Evan: I see

I slowly went back to my seat and sat down

Nepgear: Evan

Nepgear went towards me and held up Rom and Ram's wands

Nepgear: Please 

I looked at the wands for a moment before looking at Nepgear

Evan: Gear. I need time to think

Nepgear looked at me and nodded

Nepgear: Understood

Evan: Yeah and sorry for yelling at you and Glorious just now

Nepgear: It's okay. No need to apologize

I chuckled before something came into my mind

Evan: Speaking of magic, that Adam person mentioned something about maidens, not to mention he also asked me if one of them gave me their power

Glorious: Winter also mentioned something like only the four maidens can use magic back at the military outpost

Evan: Come to think of it, you're right Glorious

Valiant: So who and what are these maidens?

Valiant asked and all of us were deep in thought

Nepgear: Should we ask Ozpin?

Evan: To be honest, I'm starting to lose faith in Ozpin after he refused to send me and my shipgirls to go rescue Eleanor unless two of his incompetent teams are accompanying me, delaying us. If Ozpin hadn't delayed us, Eleanor wouldn't be like this

Noire: Another reason why you shouldn't trust him

Noire supported my decision while my shipgirls nodded

Lexington: To be honest, I think we should leave Beacon so that we have more time to look after our daughters after what that General did. After all, we're starting to lose trust in Ozpin anyway

Lexington suggested, causing Glorious and Valiant to look at me

Valiant: What do you say, my king?

Glorious: Should we quit Beacon?

Lexington: If you want to quit then just say it and we will leave Beacon Academy together. Otherwise we'll still attend Beacon with you. the choice is yours Evan

I closed my eyes, deep in thought while Lexington, Glorious and Valiant looked at me, expecting an answer


Lexington, Glorious and Valiant: Roger!/Ryokai!

Lexington, Glorious and Valiant acknowledged after hearing my answer before footsteps and a familiar voice came our way

??? 1: Daddy!

??? 2: Stop running you three. You're going to hit someone

I turned to see Enterprise, Illustrious, Victoria, Calysta and Clementine running toward us, accompanied by Thea and Wilhelmina from the HSF Graf Spee

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