Lesson 17

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*Vale Port

*Evan POV

The next day, Emanuele, Janus and I were watching Nepgear and some manjuus repairing the damage sustained by Big 1 in Vale Port

Evan: How is it Gear?

Nepgear: It's nothing major. However, I still need a few days to repair the damages

Evan: I see. Emanuele, Janus

Emanuele and Janus: Yes?

I then explained everything that happened so far to Emanuele and Janus with Nepgear helping me out

Janus: Goodness

Evan: Yeah

Emanuele: Isn't it against protocol for giving away our technology without permission?

Evan: Yes. Heck, even The Director sent me a letter saying that whatever I do, don't let these Atlas people have any of our tech

Nepgear: Evan. Should we postpone our return to Beacon?

Evan: We return as planned. Gear, I know this is a bit of a selfish request but do you mind if you stay behind to repair Big 1 while the rest of us go back to Beacon?

Nepgear: I don't mind

Evan: Alright. Once you finished repairing Big 1, you can go to Beacon to meet with us

Nepgear: Hai!

Nepgear nodded her head in acknowledgement before going back to repair Big 1

*Beacon Academy

*Third Person POV

At Beacon Academy, Ozpin was in a call with Ironwood with Glynda and Qrow beside him. Ironwood doesn't look happy

Ironwood: How many times must I tell you this Ozpin? This guy and his officers are terrorists! War criminals

Ozpin: They're not terrorists and war criminals. They just acted out of self defence

Glynda: Don't forget who started all this first by kidnapping Eleanor and almost killing her

Qrow: You're lucky she's still alive otherwise the Admiral will probably declare war on Atlas

ironwood: Why won't you people understand what I'm trying to do? With technology like this, we can defeat Salem much easier. Since the Admiral won't give some of his tech to me, I'm forced to take measures to ensure that we can have such technology without any bloodshed

Glynda: We agree that Mr Evan's technology is extraordinary and can help us win the war against Salem. But what we're concerned about is what are you going to do with said technology after Salem is defeated

Ironwood: I'll probably use it to protect this world

Qrow: Yeah right. You'll probably use the Admiral's technology to attack those who disagree with you

Glynda: You cannot be trusted with too much power.

Ozpin: That's enough both of you. I'm sorry James but Evan and his officers won't be arrested

Ironwood: OPEN YOUR EYES OZPIN! Those people are dangerous. Who knows if they will betray you or not. Not to mention, Evan may have stolen the power of one of the maidens

Ozpin: Regardless. I still believe in them.

Ironwood looked at Ozpin before speaking again

Ironwood: Very well. I hope you're ready for an attack by my army on Vale soon. I have the ship parts used by Evan and his officers. Let's see how long you can last

After saying that, ironwood left the call

*Vale Port

*Evan POV

Lexington: You ready Evan?

Lexington asked after she finished packing up her stuff that night aboard her production ship

Evan: That's not the question Lexington, the question is: Is Beacon ready for us? We have a Dragon Master, three shipgirls, a CPU and a CPU candidate

I asked, making Lexington giggle

Lexington: Only one way to find out

Lexington remarked before looking at the clock on the wall

Lexington: It's getting late now. Let's take a shower together

Before I could say anything, Lexington grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the shower located in her quarters

Naval Fleet to Remnant 2

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