Lesson 15

94 4 9

*Evan's Azur Lane base

*Emanuele POV

Big 1 whistles and we heard some cranking before the whole train started moving

Janus: It's moving. it's really moving

Alfredo: Yep. Next station. This new world where Evan and the others are trapped in

Alfredo announced as I looked at Janus, the same thought in our minds. "Evan is going to kill us for this"

*Third person POV

??? 1: Come on girls, the train is departing

a girl with short brown hair ushered two more girls as they ran after Big 1

??? 2: I'm trying

??? 3: you're too fast Ryza

The girls eventually managed to catch up to Big 1 and board one of the coaches as it took off into the sky

*Emanuele POV

After we took off from the base, we received a transmission and Saratoga's voice came through

Saratoga: What are you doing Alfredo?

Alfredo ended the transmission and Saratoga attempted to contact us again multiple times but Alfredo ignored all of them

Emanuele: Alfredo. shouldn't we like at least try to persuade Saratoga to allow us to use big 1 to find Evan

I tried to persuade Alfredo to answer Saratoga's transmission. However Alfredo just brushed it off

Alfredo: nah there's no need. I'm sure Evan will understand once he sees us using his Big 1 to come rescue him

Alfredo chuckled

Janus: um I want to go to the restroom

Janus spoke out and I looked at her

Emanuele: Me too. Let's go together

Janus nodded and we left the control room

Alfredo: Happy peeing you two

I heard Alfredo say that as we left the control room for a toilet break

Emanuele: if I recall correctly there should be toilets located between two coaches

I said as I tried to remember the location of the toilets from my last voyage with Evan. We passed by the first coach and made it to the gangway between the first and second coaches where we saw some toilets

Emanuele: Do you want to go first Janus?

Janus: umm sure

After Janus went in, I decided to look in the next coach and opened the door leading to the next coach. Once I opened the door, I saw three girls whom I recognized sitting and talking with each other

Emanuele: Ryza. Patricia. Klaudia

I said their names and they looked at me in response

Ryza: Oh no. We're caught

I immediately dashed back to the control room

Alfredo: That was a quick pee break. Where's Janus

Emanuele: Alfredo. We have stowaways

Alfredo: What?!

Emanuele: However they're not hostile. They're Ryza, Patricia and Klaudia

Alfredo: Oh it's that alchemist and her friends. Let them join us. The more the merrier

Naval Fleet to Remnant Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now