Lesson 2

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*Vale General Hospital

*Third person POV

Outside of a certain Emergency Room, Team EVGL was sleeping on the seats located in the corridor. However, Evan was missing from the group currently. Lexington woke up after being unable to sleep due to nightmares of Eleanor dying in the emergency room and noticed Evan missing

Lexington: Girls! Evan is missing!

Lexington shook Glorious and Valiant up before explaining what happened

Glorious: I'll try to contact him on his scroll

Glorious scrolled through the contact list on her scroll before spotting Evan's name among the list

Valiant: if he doesn't pick up. Try his AzurPhone

Glorious tapped Evan's name just as a familiar voice spoke to them

???: no need to call me. I'm right here

The three shipgirls looked up and saw Evan approaching them. Mir was on his shoulder as usual


A Fleet Admiral of the Azur Lane Headquarters

Evan is wearing his standard black Azur Lane bridge coat that covers his entire body, from his shoulders to his calves. His rank insignia is located on his shoulder

Lexington: Where have you been?

Evan: Decided to take a small stroll around as I can't sleep

Glorious: Evan. We already lost Eleanor

Valiant: We don't want to lose you too

Lexington: Next time you leave, let us know

Evan: Okay

Glorious: Since there's still time left, how about we get some sleep

Valiant: Alright

Lexington: Evan. Since you can't sleep, do you want to rest your head on one of our laps?

Glorious: Yes. There's no need to be embarrassed about it

Valiant: After all, you're married to the three of us so consider this as a way to strengthen our bonds

Evan: No thanks I'm fine

Lexington: Very well then. If you change your mind, let us know

The four of them proceeded to get some sleep

*The next day

*Evan POV

I woke up with my head resting on something warm, soft and muscular

Evan: What is this I'm resting on?

Lexington: good morning Evan

Lexington's voice made me jump a little and I turned to see Lexington looking down on me?

Evan: Lexington, how are you up there? Where am I?

Lexington: You're on my lap of course. I hope you enjoyed your sleep

Lexington giggled and I realized that the black surface my head is resting on is Lexington's stockings

Evan: Gah!

Naval Fleet to Remnant Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now