Chapter 1: The Discovery

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Chapter 1: The Discovery

"Power up the Letzte Teleskop!" General Axis said, he is the current leader of the UWG military and is also head in the space research department. He is a tyrant for other people especially UWG scientists. UWG is looking for other planets that can support human life, they call it The Age Of Universe Exploration, they had seen life-supporting planets before, and they did not miss the opportunities, UWG plant human colonies on each planet they find. Using the UWG military's high speed manned rockets, spacemen these days can travel from planet to planet within seconds. It looks impossible in the time of the 21st century, but it IS possible in the 27th century.

The Scientists found one...

"Sir we found a red-violet planet, we named it Zerthal, 120 light years away, and is very life-sustainable. They even have minerals never seen before which can cost billions of Terratres(the official currency of Terra), And they have great amounts of antimatter..." One of the Scientists said

"Good... send in the fleet immediately" Axis said with a smirk on his face

"W-wait sir, we are still acquiring more intel..." A scientist replied

"Bah! Shut up, you should've said it earlier! I had my decision so... Security! Shoot this scientist now!-send in the fleet ASAP!"

The Guards shot the scientist in the back because of a senseless command by General Axis, The scientist made a final word before his death

"Yo..uu wil-l the great-est mi-st...ake" Then the scientist died from running out of blood.

"We'll see about that" Axis replied without concern from the scientist

The other scientists whisperred things about Axis like...

"How cruel this person is, such perfectionist, and not even perfect... what a freaking hypocrite" the other scientists agreed

"Replace that scientist immediately! And you scientists,"

The scientists froze in fear of being shot like their fellow scientist

"You think I am deaf to not hear what you are whispering? I am warning you, one more and I will order a firing squad to shoot you"

Axis walked out of the room, the scientists changed moods and got back to work

After 3 hours,

The fleet was unleashed, consisting of 4 flying carriers, 19 high-speed jet fighters, 17 jet propelled artillery,5 Destroyers, and 8 four blade choppers. The carriers hold the materials to be used for building the colonies, and they send jet fighters just like what the old aircraft carriers do. High-speed jet-fighters(different from the ordinary jet fighter) just in case there is something encountered in the air that is not a friendly faster than the ordinary jet fighter from the flying carriers. Artillery is for colony defense, destroyers are for space combat, and the four-blade choppers are for reconnaissance missions. The UWG is still not sure of other life forms in the universe yet they are prepared just in case there is an encounter of the third kind.

The fleet travelled the easy way, through time travel. Einstein's theory is now proven and tested and used in the 29th century. They made it to the Zerthal space within 1 hour.

As the fleet made it to Zerthal space, the crew made preparations for colony building.

"Send in the fleet, call us if you need air support from the destroyers" Admiral Shouto said to one of the captains in the carriers

The destroyers remained on orbit of Zerthal to patrol and to look for unusual things to alert the fleet below. The destroyers were lead by Admiral Shouto, a Japanese admiral known in Terria for the most successful space campaigns, this will be his last campaign for he has already reached his retirement age

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