Part 21 (Last part): "Im scared."

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(Tw: Last chapter 😔😔😔😔😔)



Three hours. THREE HOURS TI GET TO K_______ AND PICKUP WHATEVER SAKI NEEDED. Tsukasa forgot what it was because he was too tired to care.

Dealing with Rui and the others took a lot of energy.

Then a 30 minute walk from the train station to the store then from. the store to the station.

It's not like Tsukasa hated walking, it's just that maybe he didnt have to chase after his water bottle in the heat, he wouldn't have been this exhausted.


Tsukasa stepped on the train with the bag containing Saki's dress.

He sat down on an open seat and sighed.

He really just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.

Not in like the "I don't want to be awake because I don't want to live" kind of way but in the "I want to sleep and never be tired again" way.

Well, he has 2 hours before he gets home, so a small nap wouldn't hurt, right?


6PM?! Tsukasa screamed, but it was in his mind because he was still on the train.

He had just woken up and jacked the time.

He had slept an hour too long.

Tsukasa was supposed to get off the train at five, but now it's currently six.

If he wants to get home, he can either get off at the next stop and wait two hours for an hour trip back home, or just wait the three hours on the train he's currently on to get back home. Either way, he's going to get home at 9 so he'll just go with the second option.

"This really sucks," Tsukasa mumbled to himself.



"Everything is set up!" Emu yelled from backwards.

"Okay, I'll go check on the others," I said after I put down the the robot I finished making.

I am not excited for what I'm about to see.

What happened earlier was not fun cleaning up.

I didn't plan on coming back to the Sekai but both Nene and Emu insisted we do it here.

I sighed and walked out to check on Miku.

. . .

"What the-"


I looked at her in disbelief.

She was standing on a unicorn floaty in the middle of a huge pool.

Kaito had left her alone for 5 minutes. 5 MINUTES.

And in those 5 minutes, she has brought a whole pool, filled it with water, and blew up like 10 floaties to go in it.

Kaito said she got into his candy stash but like, HOW MUCH CANDY DID SHE INHALE??

At least the twins have passed out, meaning they didn't have as much candy as Miku, but still.

Rin fell asleep on the ball pit when it was still out a few hours ago, and Len just fell on the ground after spinning and being hit with the balls from the ball pit for so long.

I honestly have no idea what to do at this point and I'll probably just let Kaito handle it again.

Earlier, he popped the ball pit after the twins fell asleep and made Miku help clean it up.

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