Part 15: "We got this!"

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All day, Tsukasa was beaming with joy.

Everytime he recited all his lines and made all his movements, he jumped and shouted in happiness.

Saki couldn't tell him to quiet down, even if he was a little too loud, because Tsukasa hasn't been this happy all week.

He was even eating, too.

While reciting his lines, then checking the paper to make sure he was right, he ate cereal in the morning, a sandwich for lunch, but he fell asleep before dinner. Still, that was quite the achievement for someone who acted like a depressed loser for the past week.

Tsukasa peacefully slept in his bed and Saki finally believed that Tsukasa would really be okay.


Saturday morning. Early Saturday morning, actually. Really early, to be exact, that the sun hadn't risen yet.

Tsukasa was already awake. He was excited for the show in a few hours.

He brushed his teeth, showered again, fixed his hair, and dressed in his usual outfit for rehearsal.

He was excited for the show. For the first time ever, he memorized all his lines in around two days.

The show was at 12pm and it was currently 5am.

Tsukasa took an hour to get ready, so it was 6 when he finished.

He went downstairs to make some breakfast so he could be energized.

He made some very yummy in my tummy pancakes, making sure there was enough for Saki as well.

After a few hours of re-rehearsing, it was time for Tsukasa to go to the stage.

He happily walked to Pheonix Wonderland and bought some snacks along the way.


He got there an hour early, and the others were already there. They were sitting at the edge of the stage.

"Hey!" Tsukasa shouted.

"Oh, hi Tsukasa," Nene said.

"Tsukasa, you're here!!" Emu yelled.

Rui waved and stood up from where he was sitting.

"Of course I'm here! A star could never. ish his show!" Tsukasa shouted ad he did his silly little pose.

"We were just setting up some props. Do you mind bringing the box to the right of the cabinet out from the closet?" Rui asked Tsukasa.

"Yea. Oh I brought some snacks! I'll set it on the table backstage."

Tsukasa walked backstage.

Things were just like before. Like the last show.

The others were acting like nothing had happened. Like they did nothing wrong.

Tsukasa wouldn't believe it this time. No, not again.

He had to stay strong, or he'd be upset again.

Tsukasa set the bag of goodies onto the table and went into the storage closet.

It was big enough for someone to walk in and close the door of playing hide and seek. The group would not normally put props in the storage closet unless they were bigger and heavier. The storage closet was filled with things from past plays and big rolling props. The closet was still spacious even if it was filled with props. It's like you could lock yourself in there and stay there. You wouldn't get bored if you played with all the props, and you could probably live off of eating cardboard. Sometimes, the desire, the urge, to eat cardboard gets a little too uncontrollable. Or you could lock yourself in there and wait until someone finds you. Just cover yourself in the huge props and hope your never found. Like an escape from everything. A closet where you can  escape from reality.

Tsukasa grabbed the box next to the cabinet. It was way heavier than the other props, but it was still easy to carry for him.

This felt familiar but different.

Tsukasa felt as if this had happened before, but in the opposite way.

The first time was when he heard them talk about him for the first time.

The second time was at the last show.

It's happening again, but in a different way.

But it can't be true, he hasn't heard them.



Tsukasa walked out from the closet and started walking near the exit. He could hear whispering from the others but decided not to listen in. He doesn't need the negativity right now.

He shook his head, set the props on the table and walked out.

The others stopped their whispering and looked at Tsukasa smiling.


It doesn't matter though. Tsukasa doesn't need the negativity.

They all started working and prepping for the show together.

Soon enough, people started filling in the seats in the audience.

And then, the show started.

Everything was going great. Tsukasa's lines and movements were perfect like he had perfected everything.

Suddenly, Tsukasa felt his throat start to burn as he spoke and said his lines. Not painful, just really uncomfortable. Like he would throw up any second.

He felt his breathing start to accelerate, but he paid no mind and continued acting. The show was at the part where he'd take the hidden treasure, but he paused.

He froze in his spot. He started breathing faster and started feeling nauseous. Is he nervous? Is he panicking? Nene, his sidekick in the play, was smiling and looking at the crowd. Was that part of the script? Tsukasa couldn't remember. In fact, he couldn't remember a thing that came next. Normally, when he would forget something, he'd just improvise, but this was different. He was panicking on stage and felt afraid. He wanted to puke right then and there.

Tsukasa slowly moved his shaky hand over his mouth. Nene gave him a slight annoyed look from the side.

Tsukasa couldn't help but feel more pressured. Not only was Nene looking at him, he could feel the piercing stares of the audience, Emu, and Rui.

It felt terrifying. For the first time, he felt terrified from being on stage.

The feelings were getting worse, the silence was getting louder.

Tsukasa couldn't take it anymore. He ran off stage and pushed past Emu and Rui. He could feel his nausea get worse.

Rui tried to grab his hand, but Tsukasa was fast and ran into the storage closet quickly locking it so no one could get in.

He slid down the door to the floor. His hand slipped off the doorknob as the others tried getting in.

Tsukasa scooted away from the door and sat with his knees against his chest.

He looked like a little kid staring at the locked door.

Tears started to roll down Tsukasa's sad face.

Sooooo uhhh whoops

I forgot to post this chapter Thales when I went to post it I deleted it so I had to rewrite it but I forgot what I wrote so this might be completely different from what I wrote before

but let's not talk about that!

I have 3 days left of school so hip hip horray!

yum yum yum in my tum tum tum

please help

I have to go hiking tomorrow and it's already 1:30 and I have to wake up early


I hate cheerios


See you next chapter!

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