Part 2: "Great. They ditched me."

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Tsukasa slowly reached over and hit his alarm clock. The wretched noise finally stopped.

He sat up, and he felt tired. He normally woke up with energy and was ready for the day. Maybe he didn't sleep enough? Or maybe because he didn't have dinner? Or he probably didn't lay the right way. It didn't matter because Tsukasa wasn't late to wake up on time. He was actually early.

Tsukasa got up, stretched, and started to get ready. He brushed his teeth, brushed his hair, put on his uniform, etc.

He decided to eat the leftover curry for lunch and put a container of it in his bag.

After all of that, he grabbed an umbrella, because it was raining, and walked to school.

He was excited for lunch, considering he hadn't been able to try his curry the night before, and completely forgot about the words the group had said about him.

It was also Friday, so who wouldn't be excited?

Tsukasa walked to the spot Rui and Nene would meet him so they could walk together. He made it, but he saw Rui and Nene already walking ahead of him.

He ran to catch up.

"You guys left me!" Tsukasa panted.

Rui apologized, "Sorry it's just- It was an accident. We- we didn't notice we passed the spot."

Nene scoffed and started walking faster, holding her umbrella tighter.

Tsukasa ignored her and continued talking to Rui. "Since it's raining, where are we gonna sit for lunch?"

"In the cafeteria."


Tsukasa was about to speak again, but Rui ran to catch up with Nene.

Tsukasa sighed and walked faster.

They all made it on time and went to their separate classes.

Tsukasa didn't really pay attention, so the class went by fast and the lunch bell rang.

He walked to the cafeteria with his lunch and looked for Rui and Nene.

He saw them and sat with them.

"So how was your day guys?" Tsukasa asked while opening his lunch.

"It's been good," Rui answered.

"Yea," Nene muttered.

"That's good!" Tsukasa shouted, making Nene cover her ears.

Tsukasa took a bite of the now cold curry. It was still delicious, of course.

Tsukasa started to talk again. "So, do you-"

Nene got up, causing Tsukasa to stop talking.

"Is something wrong, Nene?" Rui asked.

Nene looked angry. "Yes! Yes, there is!" she yelled.

She then stormed out of the cafeteria.

"Is she okay?" Tsukasa whispered worriedly.

"I'll go check on her," Rui said.

"I'll come with you! The more the merrier!"

"No, it's okay. I think it's best if you stay here. Sorry, Tsukasa."

"Yea, no. It's fine, don't worry about it. I'll wait for you guys here."

"Thanks, Tsukasa. We'll be back," Rui smiled.

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