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Stupid, dumb, idiot! What was the point of that?! To just mess with me? 'Yea, I'll go laugh at him just a few feet away from him, then I'll go talk to him and laugh at him there. I'll just act like nothing happened.'

So dumb! Why do they do that?! What's the point? Why do they hate me so much that they'd mentally torture me?!

Tsukasa stopped at the schools front gate as he thought about his own question.

Is it because I'm not good enough?

Tsukasa shook his head like the bad thought would just fly out of one ear and disintegrate into the air.

I'll just deny it all again. That made me feel a little better.


Tsukasa got home and three his bag on his bed. He couldn't stand being at school any longer. They just made it worse.

He kept thinking about his answer.

Of course. I'm not good enough for them.

I never was.

Tsukasa layed in his bed. It felt so soft and comfortable. If he just closed his eyes, he could escape from everything with just his imagination.

Everything could go back to how it used to be. One simple movement, and everything could be different.

He would still have friends that cared about him, he could imagine caring and loving parents, a perfect life.

Tsukasa closed his eyes with a slight smile imagining the perfect life he could've had.

He slowly opened his eyes and his smile faded.

The shows tomorrow. Hopefully they still let me participate, even if they'll kick me out the group and make fun of me after.

One last show with them is all I want.

Tsukasa wiped his eyes as he felt tears build up.


Instead of sitting around and crying all day, Tsukasa tried being productive to make himself feel better. However, he kinda made it worse.

He cleaned the kitchen, but forgot to wipe the microwave which made him so upset at himself for being so dumb and idiotic that he can't remember something.

He cleaned up his bedroom but didn't sweep because he couldn't find the broom. This made him so upset for being lazy and not being able to remember where the broom was.

Everything he did, he always forgot something and blamed himself for it.

He gave up after trying to finish his homework but wasnt able to because he couldn't understand what he was doing and hated himself because he was so lazy he couldn't pay attention in class.

He sat at his desk and played a game on his phone. It wasn't a particularly fun game, but it was enough to keep Tsukasa and his mind busy.

He could've been practicing for the show, but who knows if he'll even be aloud to be in the show.

He muttered something to himself before getting up and going to his bed.

Saki would be home soon. It was almost 5pm and Tsukasa felt really exhausted. Maybe it was from all that cleaning.

He couldn't sleep yet. He still had to make dinner tonight or he'd be in a lot of trouble.

He didn't move as he layed on his bed. Like a dead animal, but he wasn't an animal nor was he dead.

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