Part 16: "I apologize. For everything, of course."

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Tsukasa stared at the door, crying. His throat hurt and he started to feel more nauseous.

The sound of knocking and the door knob twisting. The others asking "Tsukasa, are you okay?" or "Can you open the door?" like he was a little kid throwing a tantrum and locking himself in his room.

Tsukasa wouldn't open the door. He knew their true intentions. All the whispers and giggles from earlier. It was probably planned out this way.

Tsukasa heard footsteps move further away and then slowed his crying when he heard Ruis voice in the microphone.

"The Twilight Knight knew the treasure was a trap and ran home, informing everyone along the way. He and his assistant knight were awarded with the medals of bravery and kindness. The end," Rui said in a soft tone.

Tsukasa could hear the crowd moving and talking through the thin walls.

Rui found a way to end the story nicely even though Tsukasa basically ran off the stage in tears. Tsukasa started crying more. He let them all down, again. His throat hurt more and more and he just wanted to run. To run far far away. To an isolated place with no one and nothing.

He continued crying as he heard two sets of steps coming to the door.

There was knock. Then a voice.

"Tsukasa? The audience is gone. You can come out now," said Rui.

Tsukasa parted his lips but said nothing back. He could hear whispering from the otherside, so he covered his ears.

Why is this happening to him? Yeah, he ruined the show again, and yeah, he's holding the others back. But why are they doing this to him? They hate him so much, yet they don't leave him. What's so funny in messing with him?!

The knocking continued and the others kept trying to open the door.

Those- Those-!

Tsukasa took a deep breath and wiped his tears.

Why is he trying to run away? He should face his feelings like he has before. The others will probably be sad because they can't mess with him anymore, but if he confronts them and acts like it doesn't affect him, then everything will be fine.

Except, he'll probably be kicked out of the troupe.

It's alright though.

As long as they're happy.



I knocked on the door again. No answer. It sounds like the crying has stopped. I put my ear against the door, and I couldn't hear anything.

"Is he okay?" Emu asked quietly.

Nene shrugged.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I hope."

I took a step away from the closet door and crossed my arms.

"Is something wrong?" Nene asked.

"No. Just thinking." I took a step towards the door again and knocked. "Tsukasa? Can you come out, please?" I tried making my voice sound a little nicer, but I was a little frustrated.

Not at him, but at myself.

As the director, how could I let something like this happen?

I stepped back, again, and sighed and I crouched down.

I was about to speak again when the doorknob turned.

I stood up quickly as Tsukasa exited the closet.

He cleared his throat and spoke, "I apologize. For everything, of course."

Nene was confused. "What are you-?"

Tsukasa cut her off, "It's okay Nene. I understand how you all feel. You can just say it now."

"Tsukasa," Emu started saying before getting interrupted.

"Nevermind, I don't want to hear it," Tsukasa said as he wiped his eyes, "I know you all hate me. The whispering, the laughing, messing with me. I get it, it was funny, but did you really have to keep talking bad about me and leave me out?" Tsukasa's voice started to crack a little before he cleared his throat again, "It doesn't matter though. I wished it wasn't true, but I've seen it and listened to it enough to know it's true. That's why you guys kept sending me away to put the props up. So you could have you fun times, without me."

I tried to speak but Tsukasa kept talking.

"I am still, no, I was upset about it, but it doesn't bother me at all! As a star, I'll get through this by myself. Anyways, I'm sorry for ruining the show again. You don't have to tell me. That's why the audience left. I'll take my leave now."

Tsukasa picked up his stuff and started walking away.

"Tsukasa, wait!" Nene shouted while running after him.

Tsukasa stopped walking. "I don't want to hear it. You were the one who hurt me the most, so please," his voice started to break, "please stop trying to hurt me more."

Nene stopped running and Tsukasa started walking again.

No one said anything.

It was silent.

We watched Tsukasa walk away.

"Hey," Emu mumbled.

I stopped her before she could continue speaking. "I don't want to hear anything about what just happened right now."

Emu frowned and grabbed her stuff as well.

"I'll see you guys at the next meet up then. Bye bye," Emu said in a sad tone.

I then grabbed Nene's bag and my bag and walked towards Nene. She was still standing in the same place she stopped, staring at where Tsukasa was standing before.

I take a deep breath and hand her her stuff.

I didn't even have to look at her to be able tell she was crying.

I sighed, "Let's go, too."


I realize that in the last chapter, my replies to comment were quite uh not nice, so I will be a good person this chapter

I actually can't spell today wtf


But that's all I mean nothing cool really happens after not even a full day

See you next chapter!

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