Part 19: "It was a joke."

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Tsukasa was kinda happy he'd get to see them. The only problem being: Rui didn't mention a time. Well, two problems because he also didn't mention which cafe.

Of course, Tsukasa will ask for the time, but he doesn't know whether or not he should call and ask or just text him.

Thinking about it, there are several pros and cons in both situations. Some similar, some different.

He kind of wanted to talk to Rui, but he kind of didn't. At this point, Tsukasa started getting annoyed at himself. When did he start acting like this? Quite annoying. He pressed the call button without giving it another thought.

Tsukasa's phone rang as he waited for the other to pick up.

The ringing stopped and a voice answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Rui," Tsukasa said.

"Hello Tsukasa."

Ruis voice was soft and calm. There wasn't any hint of mischief in his tone like before the past few events.

It went silent for a few seconds which was kind of awkward.

After a few more seconds, Tsukasa asked, "Which cafe will you be going to?"

Of course, Rui answered. "S_______ Cafe."

"Also," Tsukasa added, "What time should I go to the cafe? To meet you guys, of course."

"Ah, you'll be comming?" Rui asked before continuing, "We planned on meeting at noon. 12pm. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's okay. I'll be there," Tsukasa replied.

It went awkwardly silent again.

After another minute, Tsukasa spoke again. "I'll see you and the others tomorrow then. Bye Rui."

"Oh. Bye Tsukasa."

Tsukasa hung up the phone.



I was hoping to talk to him for a little longer. Then again, it went quiet a few times.

At least we will be able to talk tomorrow.


Time seemed to fly by and it was already morning. I didn't sleep all night because I was working on a robot. Maybe it wasn't that good of an idea to stay up all night when I have to go somewhere today.

It doesn't really matter though. I can just drink coffee or buy an energy drink.


A few more hours passed, and it was time to head to the cafe.

I got ready beforehand. I brushed my hair and wore a comfortable outfit.


Nene and Emu were already at the cafe when I arrived. They sat next to each other at a booth near the window.

They were talking when I walked over. Well, Emu was talking while Nene listened.

At least that's what it looked like.

"Hi Rui!" Emu shouted as I sat down across from them.

I said hi back and Nene waved.

Tsukasa came into the cafe shortly after. He greeted everyone and sat next to me.

It was awkward for a minute, but then we started chatting like normal. Tsukasa didn't talk much though.

Then, someone finally brought it up.

"About yesterday, Tsukasa," Nene said, "we weren't trying to make you feel upset."

"I see," Tsukasa answered.

"Yea, it was all just a joke," Emu said, probably trying to make Tsukasa feel better.

"What was just a joke?" he asked calmly.

"Everything I said about you," Nene mumbled. "I didn't mean any of it, I swear! It was a joke."

Tsukasa sighed. "It was not a joke."

Nene looked a little confused. "It was-"

"It was not," he said, cutting her off, "If it was a joke, then we would all be laughing about it together. Laughing about me behind my back is not a joke, Nene." Tsukasa spoke calmly, not sounding angry at all.

I don't like how this is going, but I don't even know what to say.

I tried to apologize but Nene started talking first.

"I was just having a bad week, I didn't mean to say any those things."

Tsukasa sighed again, "Don't make excuses."

I looked at Nene and she seemed to be thinking about something. Emu just looked like she didn't know what to say. I tried to apologize, again, but someone started talking before me. Again.

"It seems like you guys have nothing else to say, so I'll just go now. It was nice talking you guys," Tsukasa said as he stood up and started leaving.

I took a deep breath. Why couldn't the others apologize? I would've but I couldn't get a word in.

"I'll be back," I said as I stood up and followed Tsukasa out of the cafe.

I walked up to him quickly.

"Tsukasa, wait."

Tsukasa stopped walking and turned to look at me. "What?"

I apologized, "I'm sorry, they weren't supposed to say that."

"So were they supposed to be following a script?"

"What- No, that's not what I meant. We're sorry. We were just trying to make you feel better with the show yesterday. It wasn't supposed to turn out like that."

"I understand, it's just, I don't want to hear the apology from just you. I'm sorry." Tsukasa smiled at me then continued walking.

If only Nene just apologized instead of making excuses then maybe we could've fixed this.

I swear, it's not that hard to apologize and admit you were wrong.

I walk back over to the cafe and to the booth.

"Nene, you're going to have to find a way to apologize," I said as I sat down.

"I was going to, but I didn't know how to! Do you really think hes just going to accept 'I'm sorry'? That is such a weak way to apologize."

"Well, let's think about it. It's not that hard."

"Yeah, we can all think together," Emu said happily, "Then, we can go to Tsukasa's house to give a wholehearted apology!"

Nene smiled, "Great idea."

Guys I was thinking of something funny. What if, and this is just what if, I drag out this story and Tsukasa starts being the most annoying character. That would be funny, but then this would be a terrible story.

I'm kidding I won't do that because this story will sadly be ending soon 😔😔😔

not on this chapter tho 🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳

but it will be finished I  a few more chapters 😔😔😔

I can't decide if it should be a happy or sad ending

also, you guys should give me story ideas

oh and I just have to say....................


See you next chapter!

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