"Hey what about me? You promised me that you are not gonna ditch me at the event."

"Well you could sit on my other side?" Luna offered only to be reciprocated with the roll of eyes.

"As if Taehyung is gonna let me." Jimin muttered and soon they were at the venue. Since they weren't celebrities they had a different entrance to the theater, one without the swarming reporters and press.

Taehyung beamed with happiness as soon as a person sat next to him only to be met with disappointment.

"Miss me?" Yoongi asked with a smirk as he plopped next to Taehyung. 

"Hey, that seat is reserved."

"Well, she is sitting at the back with Jimin. So its mine now."

"Why are you so annoying?"

"I let you play me in the damn biopic."

"And I have been hearing about it and will be until the end of my lifetime." Taehyung sassed turning to face the screen as the introductory music began to play.

The movie had everything in it. A struggling musician, a sweet romance, pain, loss and reconciliation with bitter sweet moments. It had everyone tear up and Luna was no exception.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah, I like how they showed her character lost her colour as we moved towards the end and then finally appeared black and white. Taehyung did a pretty good job too. This year's Best Actor is again his, no doubt." Jimin said standing up and leading Luna towards the banquet hall that will be hosting the after party.

"He was alright, I guess." Luna said struggling to stand in the long flowing dress and heels. "Remind me why you made me wear this dress again? It is stupid long and I can't walk without tripping."

"So that we can match?"

"You are wearing blue." Luna deadpanned pointing to her beige gown and Jimin's blue suit.

"It's a combination. You wouldn't understand." Jimin said evading the question and getting his hands on one of the champagne flutes that kept going around the place.

"Hey, Loons! Don't you look pretty."

"Hi Pretty boy! The movie was amazing! The metaphors were just so beautiful. You did an amazing job Kook." Luna said hugging the boy. Jungkook and Luna met at the sets of the movie and maybe it was their mutual love for K-drama and food or maybe it was their bubbling characters, the two of them had forged a great friendship.

"Did you happen to eat one of those horse divorce? They are amazing!"

"Weren't they called 'hors d'oeuvres'?" Jimin asked confused.

"Potayto, potahto. Who cares when we are gonna just eat them anyway?"

"Can't argue with that logic."

"Hey man, have you seen Taehyung?" Jimin asked after taking notice of Luna's wandering eyes.

"He was talking with Yoongi earlier. He has been so restless ever since he got here. Something's up with him." Jungkook said thinking back to the earlier moment where he witnessed the man give himself a pep talk in the toilet.

"I know right. He's acting pretty sketchy."

"Probably because he's gonna propose."

"AAAAACHOOOOOO" Jimin yelled out before Luna could catch a bit of what Jungkook was saying. 

"Are you alright?" Luna asked towards Jimin.

"I won't be if you don't come with me right now to the dance floor." Saying that the man pulled the confused girl to the empty dance floor and abandoned her right in the center. She was about yell at him when suddenly the lights went off taking her by surprise. The melodious music from a piano reached her ears and then there was a spot light on the grand piano by the side of the dance floor and there sat Taehyung who was playing the melody. Luna looked at him in awe. He looked nothing less than an ethereal being right now and if it wasn't anything, he started singing along with melody he was playing.

'Through the darkest nights,

 you were my guiding star, 

In your arms, I found love's eternal reservoir. 

With you, I've discovered a love so true, 

Together, we'll conquer anything we'll ever go through.'

Taehyung took the mic in his hands and continued to sing while Yoongi took his place to play the melody. He walked towards Luna who was now lost in a daze.

'Darling, let me take your hand, 

In this symphony of love, let our hearts expand. 

Through the highs and lows, we've learned to stand, 

Forevermore, I'll be your rock, your guiding hand.'

And then he did what Luna had only seen in movies. With an extended arm holding the world's most beautiful ring she had seen, he got down on one knee.

'So here I am, down on one knee, 

With all my heart, I ask you, will you marry me? 

Two souls entwined, forevermore we'll be, 

In this symphony of love, for all eternity.'

Luna stood in awe and tears trailed down her eyes. She looked at the man who was waiting for her to say something.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes" She said before kneeling down and tackling the man in a hug. The crowd surrounding them let out a sigh of relief and started cheering for the newly engaged couple.

"Thank god, I had rehearsed this song over a hundred times under Yoongi's guidance day and night."

"Is that where you were? I thought you were cheating on me!" Luna said hitting her fiancé on his chest.

"I'm sorry I made you doubt me and my love. But I wanted to give you the fanciest and cheesiest proposal in the history of mankind. So here I am, a fool in love. An engaged fool in love." Taehyung chuckled pulling Luna into a kiss.

"Looks like he did get the detective chick in the end."


Author's Note

And that's a wrap!

I can't believe this is over. I started writing this story as an original about four years ago and abandoned it after 6 chapters. I still remember looking at the drafts and feeling guilty for not being able to write a sentence after those 6 chapter. Last year I happened to see the draft again and decided to resurrect the story as a BTS Fanfiction. From there, the story just happened to flow. The overall outline for the story had already been fixed but it came alive when I put in BTS face claims into the plot. 

The idea of the serial killer came from a rather funny incident. I was pissed off at a co-worker who had been giving me a hard time and I have been dealing with co-workers like this for a while. I started to write about a serial killer who killed her annoying co-workers in every place of work. Well you can see how the story evolved from there. And like Yoongi says throughout the story, 'I'm not a serial killer!'

Joke aside, this was a great ride. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this one. I hope you enjoyed reading this one as much. 

Thanks for the constant support through votes and comments, especially @Tae_Candy_1996. Your votes and comments kept me motivated throughout this story. 

Lots of love,

This is The_Smeraldo_Girl signing off <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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