Chapter 13

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After working on a few details out with Taehyung, he was on his way to the shoot. Luna had worked for a bit on her sketches and then proceeded to help out her fellow members. Their team was perfect and Luna couldn't ask for better. She loved her team in the short time they had been working together. She had only a couple of minutes to clock out so she was packing her stuff when Jimin popped out of nowhere making her knock out the plant beside her. Now she had to clean it up and would get to clock out only later. No thanks to Jimin.

"I am really confused about how you don't notice me. I was the loudest in my academy and I was always graded low on stealth." Jimin said while picking up the broken pieces of ceramic and disposing of them in the bin.

"Well, if it's any assurance, you have gotten better," Luna said with a smile.

"By the way, your boss lady is weird as hell."

Now, this took Luna by surprise. Was Jimin spying on everyone at the office? She gave him a confused look.

"What? I have to look into everyone that could be a possible threat. Some of your co-workers had leaked your private info. I am only looking out for you."

"Anyway, what was so weird?" 

"For starters, she talks a lot to herself and then has these weird stones on her table."

"I talk a lot to myself." Luna tried to make a point.

"I never said you weren't weird."

"Oh come on now. Not everyone who talks to themselves is weird man. Let's go home. And quit spying on everyone that doesn't concern me."

"As you say, ma'am. Before I forget, Taehyung left this in the waiting room."

"Oh, it's his script book. I will give it to him later."

"He probably has another copy. But anyways, ready to leave?."

"Jimin, how do you feel about reading me a story?"


"This is too gruesome even for me and trust me I have seen a lot of such things. Occupational hazards of sorts."

"Are you sure you are not adding any details to whatever is written?" Luna asked. The duo was back in their apartment and she had asked Jimin to read the script book for her. The bookhad already caught her attention when she had gone through the pictures at Taehyung's place. Now she had someone who spoke the language living with her and she wanted to make the best use of the situation. 

"This script feels too real with all that details and thoughts like it was written by the actual killer-"

"Or someone with great imagination and information or someone who had a lot to smoke." Luna interrupted the man who was reading way too much into the script book.

"It just gives me the creeps. Though I must admit the sketches in the book are so good. You should give a look at these houses sans the gore, blood, and dead bodies of course. They look pretty great like from an interiors magazine."

"Yeah, they are great and I feel like I have seen them before. But it doesn't make any sense if you know what I mean."

"Wait a minute. Hold the book open for me." Saying that Jimin took his phone opened Google lens and scanned the image to find similar images on the internet.

"Now let's see if Google can solve the mystery." His face soon contorted to a grimace. He turned the pages and scanned another one of the houses and then proceeded to do it for a few more until he looked aghast.

"What is it? You are scaring me now." Luna said nervously.

"I think we just might have bitten into more than we can chew."


"So let me get this straight. These sketches are actual crime scenes around the world and the people who are dead are all celebrities or influencers of some kind?"

"Well yeah. But also that they are all stand-alone and nobody has connected them so far in any way. At least there isn't anything of that sort on the internet we can access. Now the dark web would be a different story. But I do have my ways and maybe we could get a few details." Jimin said letting out a heavy sigh. What was possibly a storytelling session had now turned into a full-blown investigation of sorts. Article after article, the scenes from the script book were nothing but an eerie scrapbook of the crime scenes. Other than that nothing seemed to connect the murders. All of them were killed in their homes and were sort of popular in their home countries. 

"Do you think the killer really wrote this?" Luna asked timidly. How much ever her brain told her to stay away from all this as far as she could, the curiosity in her wanted to play detective.

"I don't really know. And this script ends abruptly. Is there another part to this?" Jimin asked while pacing around the room.

"I don't know. I can ask Taehyung. But really, I think someone just managed to find these and put them together to make a story. Isn't that how all movies and series are made?"

"That's highly possible and probably what happened. But something tells me it was all done by the same person. Something about being killed in one's home they consider safe is just terrifying."

"Well, I'm sure the police of these respective countries must have looked into it. They were popular people so it would have definitely caused some hype. And it is spread over the globe. I'm not saying it is impossible but one person traveling over the world killing people seems not likely."

"I hope you are right. Anyway, now my mind is just going to go about this all night. You should get some sleep. It's quite late now."

"Oh god, Good night then...Try to get some sleep so you can scare the shit outta me tomorrow!" Luna cackled while skipping to her room. She hoped she doesn't have nightmares after all that they had unraveled. To sweet dreams or dreamless slumber, it is!


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