Chapter 28

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It all started when he was set to have his first world tour. The year of 2016 was special to the man. Three years since he had debuted and over a decade since he had held onto his dream of becoming a musician. Min Yoongi had finally made a name for himself and now had the fan power to sell out stadiums. All who loved his musical compositions and couldn't wait to watch him play them on his beloved Piano. And Min Yoongi wanted everything to be perfect.


"But we have one month left-" The stage manager managed to squeak out.

"So? I would rather not perform than have a sloppy stage. Where did you even find these amateurs from?" Yoongi sat down holding his head. The set list was ready but nobody was able to interpret his music into the props or the set. This was going to be bad.

"Maybe we could put out a competition and out-source the design?"

"Do whatever you want. I will say one thing. I won't do this without an ideal design. Let's just forget about doing a half - hearted tour." Yoongi stormed off from the meeting room leaving the managers in uncertainty.

When times got testing, he found solace in his piano. The piano he cherished so much. He would go as far as to call it his first and only love. Yoongi couldn't imagine loving anything more than music and he believed that only music could understand him. Until one day a set of designs for his set arrived on his desk. One among the ten shortlisted entries from the competition that would give the winner the chance to meet the musician himself over a meal.

"This is it. This is exactly what I want. Get this person onboard." Yoongi said with the biggest smile and almost teary eyes. It was like someone had looked into his soul and connected the meanings with his music. It was perfect. 


Kang Insoo was a young talent that never looked back in her career. From being the overworked and unpaid intern at a toxic firm to being the most sought out architect, her life had given her a race for money. Highs and lows weren't uncommon in Kang Insoo's life and when she got the call from Min Yoongi's team to join them on their world tour as their set designer, she took it as just another opportunity to try something new in her career. She didn't know much about the musician when she had entered in the competition. She thought it was challenging and innovative to design a set with a musical theme. She heard a few of the pieces from the setlist to gauge the mental space of the musician and to assess what she would add to the set to make it absolutely perfect. And it seemed to have worked. 

Yoongi was beyond excited to meet the designer who translated his music to a stage. He had requested his staff to let him on the first meeting with the designer. And now he was fidgeting in the room waiting for this person who had read him easily like a book. They had told him that her name was Kang Insoo and was probably one of his fans.

"Hi, I'm Kang Insoo. I was called in for a meeting." A sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Hi, Insoo ssi, please take a seat. I'm Rhea. I'm Yoongi's manager." 

"Please call me Insoo." The girl said with a bright smile. After a round of introductions and briefing, the meeting had gone over to discuss the primary details and deciding who would be on the design team. The meeting stretched on for about three hours and they were surprised that it had gotten that late. Everyone in the room were equally passionate about the tour and Yoongi felt like it was all coming together. When they had finished the discussions, Yoongi offered to drop the girl by her car.

"You don't seem like a fan." Yoongi said trying to analyse the girl.

"That is because I'm not. Will that be a problem?" Insoo was quick to ask.

"No, not at all. I'm just trying to figure out how you found the meanings and thoughts behind all those pieces. It is just surprising that you figured it out despite not being a fan."

"I thought they were very clear and they are really good too. Maybe I would be a fan some day, say what?" The girl said with a chuckle.

"Wanna grab-"

"Are you free-"

"You go first"

"I was craving some samgyeop-sal. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to grab lunch with me." Insoo said leaving Yoongi beyond surprised.

"Ah, I get it, you are famous and all and maybe your fans might-"

"How did you read my mind?"


"I was about to ask you the same. I have been craving samgyeop-sal too."

"Oh, that's nice I guess." Insoo said looking away. 

"Come on, I know a good place here. The winner does get to meet me over a meal anyway. So it's okay." Yoongi said with an encouraging smile.

"Lead the way."

From one meal to a hundred over the course of the planning and discussions had brought the two of them closer to the point that they were almost inseparable. They both shared a passion a for what they did and somehow they kept reading each other's minds. The tour was nearing and the two of them were more than ready to showcase their talent to the world.  It was perfect. Or at least it was until all hell broke loose. 


Author's note-

And that's how our favourite musician met Kang Insoo aka Bianca, our suspect for now. Hope you enjoyed reading it. We are nearing the end so fasten your seat belts. This is going to be a wild ride :)

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