Chapter 29

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"This is the third time this month. Are you guys taking this seriously?"

"We checked everything, it is just like it disappeared at the last moment."

A yell from the stage manager indicating that they had only 5 minutes until stage time had interrupted the conversation.

"I have no time for your excuses. This better not happen again." Yoongi stormed off to get ready for his next piece. The concert had taken off well but then there was always issues at the backstage. On some days, his outfits would disappear and on other days, his music sheets or headset. 

"Hey, is everything alright?" The sweet voice managed to soothe Yoongi's nerves.

"What are you doing here?" He asked surprised even though he felt relieved to see the pretty girl with the biggest smile.

"My 'Yoongi Sad' sensor went off. That is counted as an emergency. Isn't it?" Insoo asked with a giggle only to be engulfed in a hug by the man. 

"What would I do without you?" Yoongi asked with a chuckle breaking away from the hug.

"Probably get lost in a desert."

"2 minutes to go!"

"I should get going. Listen carefully, the next piece is about you. See you in the crowd, Love." Yoongi said pressing a kiss to her forehead and heading towards the stage.

"It is all for me, isn't it?" Insoo whispered softly as she watched him walk away from her.


"Did you see how magical the stage looks? The videos are perfect. You are perfect."


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Mmh? Nothing. Do you want more wine?" Insoo asked getting up to get more wine. It had been six months since the couple had met and they were now in Paris, the last leg of the world tour. But being in the city of romance was nothing as expected for the couple. With their relationship still under wraps and all the fan meetings and pop up events, they barely got to meet each other. 

"It's not nothing if my love isn't gushing about the food. So tell me what's wrong. Is it because I was late for dinner? You know right how these fan meetings get dragged on. I will make sure that it doesn't happen again. Okay?"

"It is not that Yoons. I-I, just feel insecure some times. That's all. It's like you are everyone else's but mine. It's not that important. Come on, the noodles are getting soggy."

"They can get the soggiest for all I care. Come here, what happened?"

"Remember the song you said you had written about me?" Insoo asked softly.

"Yes, what about it?"

"I know we agreed to keep the relationship a secret and all. But when you said that you had written about your fans and it was dedicated to them on stage, I-I-"

"Hey hey, we will announce our relationship soon. And then I will openly confess to Gloss all over the world. Okay?"

"I didn't mean that Yoongi. You shouldn't do that. I am just saying my silly feelings okay, I don't care if we keep it hidden for the rest of our lives, as long as I get to have you."

"You have me already, there's no one else who is even close. You are the love of my life and I will forever cherish you."

"Ew, that was so cheesy."

"I knew it! I shouldn't have copied those lines from those crazy fanfictions."

"I love you Yoons"

"And I love you too."


"Oh God! Are you okay? Yoongi, Oh my God, what happened?" Insoo rushed towards the man who was already being hovered by the bodyguards.

"Hey, I'm alright. It was just a 'sasaeng fan'."

"Just? Yoongi you are bleeding. And what were these bodyguards doing? You all should be fired for not looking out!" Insoo was angry and it took everyone aback. The backstage team was aware of their relationship but they always thought that Insoo was a calm person. 

"And where is that crazy person? Don't tell me that you let them go? Where the hell are they?"

"Hey love, Insoo. Look at me." Yoongi said pulling the angry girl towards him. "I'm okay now, see. It is a small cut and with this Band-Aid it is all gone, see. Also the company will take strict action. I am okay, You are okay. We are okay. So you have nothing to worry about okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." Insoo hugged Yoongi tightly and Yoongi couldn't help but caress the girl who appeared to be in a shock. After all, it wasn't the first time this had happened. He had gotten used to it after a while. But Insoo seemed to get more paranoid and angrier after each attack. This time the girl had tried to forcefully kiss him. And the worst part was that she had been one of the backstage interns. 

He had to get Insoo out of this situation. And this was exactly why he chose to keep his relationship hidden. The hate they received was not to be brushed aside. He didn't think Insoo would be able to handle it and this incident only strengthened his belief.


"Y-yoon-gi, I-I..."

"Insoo! What happened?!" Yoongi asked staring at the girl with blood stained hands and a pair of bloody chopsticks. A girl, whom he recognised to be his stylist from ever since he began, was struggling on the floor holding onto her chest. There was blood everywhere. From the white rug to the beige flowy dress Insoo was wearing. Everything was painted in crimson red.

"She- she was about to poison you. I swear I say her putting something in your soup. And when I asked her she started denying it and then I-, I was trying to protect you, Yoongi. I swear-"

The room was in a blur. Yoongi's manager had rushed in to get the girl to the nearest hospital  while Yoongi tried to console a paranoid Insoo who was shaking like a leaf holding the chopsticks in a death grip. The stylist survived, thanks to all the Gods Yoongi had called upon despite being an atheist. He couldn't let Kang Insoo go to prison. After all, she was just trying to protect him, right?


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