Chapter 7

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The morning was in and Luna felt better. She woke up and went to the living area to find Taehyung and his manager waiting for her. Taehyung greeted her with a smile and asked her if she wanted new clothes brought in or if would want someone to bring her clothes from her home. Luna looked rather blank and asked if her home was still surrounded by the paparazzi. Taehyung's expression told her what was up and she made up her mind.

"Since you got me into this situation, you may as well get me some new clothes and accessories. What do you say?"

Taehyung was pleased that Luna's old self was slowly returning. Even though he didn't know her much, he could tell that she was a sarcastic and witty person. Taehyung looks at one of his bodyguards and asks them to call up his stylist. "Let's do it right if we are going to do it. My stylist is one of the best-known in the field. She will be back as soon as you are done with your breakfast. Come, let's have breakfast together. You must be one lucky person, you get to have breakfast with a star."

"Lucky you say, yes, ain't I the luckiest person", saying this Luna walked into the dining hall with a cold stare. Taehyung's manager looked pleasant. It had been a long time since Taehyung had someone over at the house and he always had meals alone. It seemed like the two would get along well even though there would be a lot of bickering and fights. 

Luna's usual work routine involved spending time with the client and having frequent discussions to understand their style and taste. This always helped her to arrive at the designs that suit them the best. Since she wasn't on talking terms with Taehyung, she decided to take a look around his home to learn a few things about his preferences. She asked him if she could take a tour of his house and he agreed although he did seem a bit suspicious of her intentions. With a sketchbook and pencil, she was given a tour by one of the housemaids. 

Taehyung was getting styled for a shoot nearby and asked the manager to keep an eye on Luna and also to watch out for angry fans and paparazzi. Taehyung reached the set for his shoot where the team for his new drama 'Turquoise Summer' was impatiently waiting. The expressions on their faces told Taehyung what it might be about. Lee Gon Du had created quite a stir with his publicity stunt. He asked them into the meeting room to find out why they were in his shooting location. One of the producers had promised Lee Gon Du the role in the drama without the knowledge of the entire team. Apparently, the scriptwriter developed the character with Lee Gon Du in his mind. Taehyung made the blunder of not signing the contract since he was on good terms with the director which has now put them in a pickle. The scriptwriter has decided to make certain revisions to accommodate both actors. The production team was happy since it would be the talk of the town and would gain serious momentum due to the casting of rivals in the same drama. Taehyung hated the idea at first but assured the team to give it a thought. Taehyung didn't want to let go of a great script like 'Turquoise summer' and the publicity might actually work in his favor. Although he couldn't stand Lee Gon Du, letting go of this drama could be a terrible mistake.

 Luna couldn't quite understand the style of the mansion. Everything seemed to be at odds and in contrast, as though a group of people had put them together. It was rather confusing. There weren't many things around but none of them were in harmony or rhythm with each other.

Taehyung did seem like a person who trusted anybody but wanted everybody to trust him, which is a very weird trait in reality. Luna's psychoanalyzing was on point. Taehyung didn't trust anybody easily and always used trust as his choice of mediation. After the long tour of the home, Luna wasn't able to make anything out of what she had seen. It didn't match his personality or the tastes he had mentioned in their previous meeting. Maybe his closet could tell her more about his personality. After all, you wouldn't wear something that doesn't suit your style, or maybe that could be the case for actors. After empathizing with the struggle of the actors, Luna realized that she had been doing this entire exercise of psychoanalysis in the forbidden bedroom of Taehyung.

She had to get out of there before he found out and his wrath was unleashed. She safely made it to the living room and pretended to read the film magazines on the coffee table. That was a narrow escape. And exactly at that moment, she knew how to find out Taehyung's style and personality. A certain dimpled tall man could tell her exactly what she wanted.


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