Chapter 25

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"I can help you if you don't mind. I used to work on fit out and renovation projects when I was starting out." Yoongi said as he sat beside Luna who was frantically scouring through the files Hoseok had sent her. The rest of the guys were sitting by the dining table trying to find the designers or architects who had worked on those projects.

"Wow! Is there anything you can't do? Like really. You never cease to surprise me." Luna said with a bright smile.

"You flatter me too much." Yoongi said with a shy smile. "I just happen to do a lot of things that's all."

"Yeah, and somehow you are really good at them too."

"Why do I feel like you are pulling my leg? Also, your boyfriend there has been glaring and I will be set ablaze if he stares anymore." Yoongi said with a scoff.

"Oh no he's not my boyfriend. And I don't think his glares have anything to do with me. If anything he's good to me because we are working together to build his home. That's all. We have a strictly professional relationship." Luna clarified with her face turning red with all the attention she was receiving from the guys in the room. The ringing of her phone saved her from the embarrassing moment and she gladly answered it.

"Hello?" Luna answered walking over to the silent corner of her home.

"Hey, It's me Julia. How you holding up? We had a pretty rough night."

"Oh Hi Julia, yeah, I'm doing okay. How about you?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm still in a daze or something. It is yet to settle in. Okay, so I called you to let you know that we got a meeting in about an hour and I don't know why Bianca is insisting to have it at the office. Will you be able to come in at around 5?"

"Oh, yeah I can do that."

"Great, see you at office then!"

"Yeah, see you too. Bye~" Luna said looking at the clock which had struck quarter to 4. 

"Luna, is everything alright?" Jimin asked following the girl.

"Yeah, we have to run into office for a bit. For some meeting Bianca has called in."

"I don't like that lady one bit. But yeah let's tell the guys and head over."

"Where are you guys going?" Taehyung was quick to interrupt as soon as he overheard the conversation.

"Oh, I have a meeting at 5 at the office. So I will be heading there. Don't worry, Jimin will be there with me." Luna said coyly.

"Yes bro, don't worry, I will be there with Luna." Jimin said with sly smirk. Sensing the awkward tension in the room Luna excuses herself to talk with the guys. 

"Hey, Jimin and I will be heading out in a while for a meeting. How are you guys doing? Found anything?"

"Nope, a dead end. Whatever we could find about the houses and their design firms, they are all different with no connection at all. Guess, we were barking the wrong tree." Namjoon says glumly. 

"Oh" Luna said gloomily. "At least that's out of the way. We should take a break -"

"I think I found something." Yoongi's voice interrupted the group who soon gathered around the musician. "Okay before I say anything, you have to promise me that you guys will not question or ask how I found out this information." 

"That makes it even more suspicious." Hoseok muttered gaining a few hums in agreement.

"Look, I may have remotely hacked into a security system. That's all I can say." Yoongi said leaving the group anxious.

"Please spit it out. I can't take this suspense." It was Jimin who broke the silence.

"The security systems in Seokjin's and Dawon's apartment had a reset window of 10 minutes which varied every week that was usually in the mornings and afternoons. Their murder seems to have happened within that window which means the killer knew about the security system reset and it is not easy to find that information. I used Dawon's login details from Hoseok's files to access the security tapes and cross matched it with the crime scene report. It may look like the security system was intact and not tampered with but during that reset window anybody could have trespassed." Yoongi said leaving the room in silence.

"One of the cases in Hoseok's files said that there was a couple who turned off their security alarm system because it kept ringing throughout the night. The following morning they were murdered. Do you think the same person managed to tamper with their security system too?" Taehyung asked the group who seemed to have a hard time taking in the information.

"I need a break. I am getting a headache." Namjoon said heading towards the kitchen. Jimin and Luna headed to their rooms to get ready for the meeting while Yoongi was consoling an overwhelmed Hoseok.


"Hi Guys, thank you for coming here on short notice. I had an announcement to make and it couldn't wait." Bianca announced to the group in the office. Jimin had blended in as an intern within the meeting hall. "I had applied for a transfer to an Australian firm  and was awaiting confirmation which is why I hadn't told you guys about it. I received confirmation a week ago and I will be moving soon and God! I'm going to miss this team so much." Bianca said wiping tears off her face. 

The office broke into a cacophony of whispers and questions at the sudden announcement. 

"I know, I's all sudden. But I have never stayed anywhere longer than I should. That's just something I have been doing for a while. But the bright side, the office is throwing me a farewell party and you are all invited!" Bianca said with a hearty smile.

Luna and Jimin looked at each other as the flashbacks of the last night's party hit them. The night was too fresh and the morning's discoveries only made it difficult for them to be happy at the thought of another party. But free food, yay.


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