Chapter 31

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And that's when he began living his deadliest nightmares. One he couldn't escape even after moving countries or addresses. A shadow that he couldn't set himself free from.

"I don't know what to say." Luna broke the silence in the room.

"So that's the story of my fucked up life." Yoongi says relaxing onto the armchair.

"If anything, your songs make more sense to me now. I had always wondered why the lyrics longed for someone and sounded apologetic."

"Dude, we don't care you love her or something,  she is crazy and dangerous." Hoseok said breaking the tense atmosphere.

"Can you please not be so brash? The least you can do is to handle a sensitive topic like an adult and please don't use words like 'crazy'. It's an illness for heaven's sake!" It was Taehyung who scolded the man. He had been silent the whole conversation and nobody had expected him to go off like that on Hoseok. Taehyung seemed to be disturbed at the ordeal. 

"Yeah you are right. I'm sorry. That was insensitive of me." Hoseok was quick to apologise.

"Yoongi-ssi, do you still love her?" It was Jimin who carefully asked the most dreaded question.

"I don't know anymore. All I know is that I loved her once. And now, I'm just-just scared of her. She terrifies me if anything. I am running away every damn time someone reports having seen her around. She has become someone I don't recognise at all. She is not the person I had fallen in love with."

"I'm sorry that things turned out that way. We have somewhat strong indication that she might be the one behind the murders. I can't believe it either. She was an amazing boss and I don't know what to believe anymore. But it looks like it. I'm sorry." Luna said apologetically. 

"It is what it is. She is ill but refuses to seek help and has crossed all borders of insanity. I tried. I tried a lot." Yoongi said resting his face in his palms.

"It is not your fault Yoongi-ssi. It is nobody's fault. There is a limit to how much we can push  someone. We can only support and guide them. They have to make the ultimate choice." Luna said caressing the dejected man's shoulders.

"What do we do now?" Jimin asked softly.

"Now that we have better clarity, let's try to gather evidence. But again it's going to be very difficult to make a case out of this. And like I said before, there could be more cases and we just happened to know these. So let's just hope we can prevent another one from happening." Hoseok said leaving the room in thought.

"It's getting late. We all should head to bed. We have got a long day. They have called us for the Jackson's case interviews." Yoongi said breaking the silence in the room. 

"Oh I had forgotten about that."

"Should we tell them what we have found so far?" Luna asked meekly.

"I had sent the previous cases several times but nothing had worked out so far which is why I had diverted the attention towards the drama." Hoseok said dejected.

"But what if this time it would be different? We have an open case right now and maybe, I don't know. I think it's worth a try." Luna said with a sigh.

"And we don't have any solid evidence. At this point it is just speculations based on a drama script. It's going to take more than that to have a case."

"Let's think about this in the morning with a fresh mind." Namjoon's voice echoed which reminded them of the person on the speaker phone.

"I totally forgot we had him on the call." Jimin said startled by the sudden interruption.

"Yeah, somehow everyone keeps forgetting me especially the brat I'm managing. Taehyung you better have a good excuse why you aren't picking my calls or answering my texts. The film team is still waiting for your response."

"Namjoon, I'm sorry but I don't want to do anything with Australia right now." Taehyung said confused. He clearly remembered telling Namjoon about not wanting to do the film. 

"Hey, don't make hasty decisions. Let's just think about all of this objectively before we make any decisions." Luna spoke earning several nods from the room. "By the way Namjoon, what's taking you so long? Didn't you like start driving like almost five hours ago?" 

"Oh about that, can you and Taehyung come to the farmhouse site tomorrow morning?"

"What? Why do you want to go there?"

"Oh I actually happen to be there. What a funny coincidence right? Ha ha ha"

"Namjoon, what's going on?"

"Just be there in the morning, please. By morning I mean 10 am and not 1pm. And bring Luna along."


"Bye Guysss. I really hope we-" The call disconnected leaving the room in confusion. 

"I don't know about you guys, but that call seemed very weird." Hoseok pointed out.

"Yeah, I thought so too." Taehyung agreed.

"Where's your phone?" Luna asked prompting Taehyung to look around for his phone. 

"I think it's in your room on charge or something. I will go get it." Taehyung said leaving the room.

"Ah guys, Namjoon has sent me some really weird messages." Taehyung came from the bedroom holding his phone in his hand.

"What does this mean?"



aghsjhe is gonjen kil me


"Is he learning a new language or something?" Luna asked confused.

"I don't know if it is my amazing detective skills. But I think he's trying to tell us something." Hoseok said earning a groan from the room.

"We get that genius!" Jimin scowled.

"I know this is far-fetched. But what if he got attacked ? But no, according to the time stamp, he was fine when he talked to us...what if he got kidnapped? Doesn't this looks like 'Help'? The letters are close to each other. He could have been typing it without the person seeing." Luna asked the group showing how the letters are placed side by side on her phone keypad.

"By that logic, I think the third line says 'Agashe is going to kill me.'" Jimin said thinking hard to figure out who the person could be.

"No...She is going to kill me..." Yoongi interrupted. "What are the chances of Insoo holding him hostage right now?" 


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