Chapter 14

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Luna woke up surprisingly a good 20 minutes before her alarm and she did what everyone else did in the situation; snuggle back into slumber. But she was hit with the previous day's discovery as soon as she was awake which put her into deep thought. If not for Jimin she would have thought it was a product of her overthinking and imagination. It could be a crazy coincidence for all and she would be calling herself an idiot soon. The alarm went off and she got herself ready for the day. She was at the door when she felt as though she was forgetting something. Keys, bag, clothes, shoes,...what was missing?

"Good morning!"

"AHH" Ah, that. 

"This is getting impossible. We had breakfast together, how can you not see me, Luna?"


"Chill, I was kidding. You should have seen the look on your face like you were questioning your existence. Cute."

"Oh shut up!" 

A chuckling Jimin followed Luna to the car and drove off to the office. With the usual popping of Jimin here and there, the day went off pretty calmly which was a rarity in Luna's case. She sat back in her chair looking at the hands of the clock slowly approaching the end of her work day. It was rare in an architecture firm to be able to get off on time. So she decided to enjoy it while it lasted. Once the plans begin to solidify she was going to be swamped with work. Kind of like the calm before a storm.

"Luna! We need to get outta here." Jimin's voice bellowed in her office. Maybe she spoke a little too soon.

"And don't check your phone" At this prompt, Luna picked up her phone to check what it was all about.

'Mystery girl cheating on Kim Taehyung', 'Two timing girl breaks Taehyung's heart', 'Who should be chosen: Kim Taehyung vs Mystery Angel',' Mystery girl to face angry fans for cheating on Nation's boyfriend',' Everything you need to know about Mystery girl cheating on Taehyung', 'How not to cheat: A guide for the Mystery Girl'. Luna wanted to click on the clickbait articles too. But she wasn't ready to take the malicious comments which is why she skimmed over the headline.

"Why are they calling you Mystery angel?" 

"Duh! My angelic looks but that's not important. I thought I told you to not check your phone." Jimin said crossing his arms as though he was scolding.

"I didn't even remember where my phone was and had not seen it all day until you told me not to check. Psychology Jimin, You tell someone to not do something, they would do it with more conviction." Luna said gathering her belongings. She had to get out of there to the confines of her home if she had to make it past the crazy fans. The news had broken about 5 minutes ago with her photo with Jimin plastered across the articles. She thought they would leave her alone if thought she was seeing someone else but seeing as to have it has turned into a freaking poll now, she was doomed.

"Let's get outta here before the vultures get to us."


Taehyung was having a hard time trying to escape the reporter's eyes. He was at an award function when the news broke out and they had swarmed him to get an exclusive scoop. Namjoon and his guards had a hard time getting him out of there. One of the reporters asked if that was why he looked so dull and Taehyung now stood in front of the mirror analyzing his face. If anything he had gotten extra care for his face lately, why would they call him dull? He was scrutinizing every tiny detail on his face when he remembered the girl who had gotten caught up in his mess. 

He quickly tidied himself to call the girl in question. Why did he do that? It was a voice call. Was all the stress getting to him? He can't be stressed because stress meant fine lines and wrinkles and he can't have that happening. His brain quickly paused the thought process as soon as he heard her on the other side.


"Um, Hi, you alright?"

"Yeah, we got home safe. Though Jimin managed to drive like a crazy man back home. We are good now." Luna said chuckling. Taehyung could hear Jimin's voice in the background telling her that his driving was perfect.

"Ah, he should be careful. He is supposed to keep you safe, not get you into a road accident. I told you he was a bad idea. We should have gone with someone more experienced. Let's get-"

"No, no Taehyung. He is good. Kept me safe so far. There's nothing to worry about, at least not for now." 

"But still-" Taehyung was interrupted by Jimin's voice. 

"Ask him about it"

"Ask me about what?" Taehyung quipped.

"Oh, you left your script book last time you visited the office and we got to read it and it is very interesting. So, we wanted to read the next part too if that's okay?"

"Oh, yeah, it's okay I guess. There are two more parts to it. I can get them for you. Should I bring them over now?" 

"Ah no no, it's fine. whenever you are free." Luna was interrupted by Jimin in the background. "No, we need them asap, there's a murderer on the loose." "What no, we are not getting him involved. We talked about this." The conversation on the other end piqued Taehyung's interest and worried him at the same time. Did he say a murderer? What the hell was happening?

"A murderer?"

"What? NO! He was talking about the murderer in the story. He is just too obsessed with the story that he thinks it's all real. What a kid! Right! There's absolutely no murderer and nothing to worry about. Yeah, no murderers or serial killers." Luna rambled over the phone making Taehyung even more confused. It felt like an itch he couldn't get to.

"I'm coming over and you better tell me what you guys are up to."


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