Chapter 32

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"Does that mean she also heard all that we said?" Luna asked lowkey panicking. "Will she hurt him?"

"I don't think so. She only hurts those that she perceives to be a threat to Yoongi and who is an avid fan. No offense Yoongi-ssi, but you are the only one who is a big fan of this man." Hoseok said pointing towards Luna.

"He's a fan too!" Luna was quick to point her fingers at the startled man. 

"What?" Yoongi asked confused.

"Yeah, he has your poster, merch and all in his attic." Luna went on to explain.

"I thought we promised to NOT tell everyone." Taehyung said taking offence at how Luna had quickly outed him.

"Sorry, I panicked. Sorry Sorry!!!"

"Does this mean that she's holding Namjoon hostage to bait you guys into coming to his farmhouse? That makes no sense."

"Actually it does. These two are his fans who has figured out her modus operandi and are now looking to stop her from 'protecting' Yoongi." Jimin spoke the obvious. 

"Are you guys gonna go?" Hoseok asked curiously.

"I don't want to." Luna spoke meekly. "But Namjoon is a good guy with pretty dimples and an amazing buff body- I mean it would be devastating to lose a good friend like him. We should go and save him, right?"

"Maybe if all of us went we could handle her?"

"I don't think she's a fool. She heard the call, she must know who all are behind this. She must be expecting all of us there even though she specifically asked for Luna and Taehyung through Namjoon." Yoongi said which pushed the gang into the somber realisation.

"What exactly do you have at that location, I mean your farmhouse?" Jimin asked to access the situation.

"It's a run down mansion, like really old one. Kind of like the one in The Notebook movie." Taehyung said running a hand through his messy hair.

"It's pretty huge too. I mean she could keep Namjoon anywhere and we wouldn't know. The place is got like 11 bedrooms for Christ's sake." Luna added.

"And you know the place well?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah I mean I did look around and draft some plans of the place. Initially we had thought of refurbishing it and then later on we decided to go with an entirely new design."  Luna informed Yoongi who had a plan brewing in his head.

"How about we go there right now instead of tomorrow?" Jimin suggested. "Hear me out, assuming that she isn't aware of the messages Namjoon send us and the fact that we have an idea about her holding him hostage, this could give us an advantage. If things go wrong, I could always use my fists. I am trained in 7 martial art forms and defense." Jimin added with an air of confidence.

"Are we sure about this?"

"It's time I face her and put this to an end." 

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Talk to her? Maybe get her to confess on record? We could use that as evidence right? And if our assumption is right, she would try to kill them and we could catch her in the act. Doesn't that count as attempt to murder?"

"It's not a bad idea but there's a lot of ways this could go all wrong." Taehyung spoke. "If we can somehow coordinate then I think we have a good shot at this."

"Let's think of the plan in detail in the car. It's about a 2 hour drive from here. Come on, let's get going." Luna spoke out ushering the guys into the car before going to get her keys and her handy backpack.

"Hey, you might want to tell her about your feelings. If things go wrong she would never know." Yoongi said with a smug smile.

"Oh would you stop scaring the man. I will make sure that he's alive to confess his heart out." It was Jimin who piped in.

"What feelings?" Taehyung asked as if he didn't know what the men were on about.   

"The way you look at her. I know a man in love when I see one. Don't let her go, she's a good one and she seems to like you too."

"Really?" Taehyung asked softly trying to hide the blush on his face.

"Can someone help me reach my swiss knife on the top shelf?" Luna asked peeping from her bedroom.

"Oh I can help." Taehyung said rushing to the girl.

"He's whipped." Jimin commented to which Yoongi gave a small smile.

"Are we not gonna talk about how she has a swiss knife lying around?" Hoseok asked a little scared.

"I have a swiss knife and a taser back in my apartment too." Jimin said to which Yoongi said he had one too.

"Is that like a new trend or something? Should I get one?" 

"Don't worry Hoseokie, I will protect you." Jimin said with an overly flirty smile making the man flustered.


"This is a stupid plan. We are all gonna die." Hoseok whinned squished between Jimin and Yoongi. "We should have just stuck to the investigating part and let the cops do the handling and saving part."

"From what we have seen, she works alone. It is going to be impossible to handle the five of us."

"Okay so let me summarise, me and Taehyung will head to the house from the front and call out for Namjoon and pretend to be shocked when she turns up. And then Hoseok and Jimin will enter from the back while we have her distracted and try to locate Namjoon while I and Taehyung try to hold a conversation. Then Yoongi enters from behind us and charm her with his magical aura and she will let all of us go?" Luna asked confused as to how they were going to get out of there.

"We will record her and then plead her to spare our life and by then the other two will have saved Namjoon and called the cops. The cops arrest her and we will come back safe and sound." Taehyung added completing their plan which they had drawn out in a matter of an hour after a lot of screaming, yelling and discussions.

"We are gonna be great friends once this is over. Haven't you heard of Trauma bonding? We are gonna be best buds, that is if we come alive out of this..." Hoseok trailed off.

"We are gonna be fine." Taehyung said sounding more like reassuring himself than a statement. The rest of the drive continued in silence where each one prayed to get out of this alive.


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