Chapter 30

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It was small incidents in the beginning. Insoo was paranoid and down right over protective. Even though she didn't try to kill or stab anyone, their relationship had turned into a mess. All the questioning and following around had driven Yoongi on the edge of insanity. 

"Insoo, I have something to tell you." Yoongi asked the girl who was packing her suitcase to follow him for yet another schedule.

"Yeah tell me. Where did I keep that pepper spray? Hmm...Ah got it." She was fully involved in the packing and preparing for an attack that she barely looked like the girl he had met in the discussion room. She had stopped taking any other projects and was completely focused on him and his schedules. He let her do whatever she was comfortable with. But now it had been over three months and he knew better than to call it just a shock.

"Yoons, you were saying..." She asked prompting him to continue.

"Promise me that you will listen to me completely. Okay?"

"What is it Yoon? Your are scaring me. Did something happen? Is there another crazy fan?"

"No, no, it's not that. It's about you."

"Me? What about me?"

"Whatever happened was traumatising and I don't blame you for anything. But I think we should do something about it. Don't you think this entire 'protecting me' thing has been the only thing you are thinking about and doing?"

"What are you on about Yoongi. I have to protect you. I love you and I will protect you at any cost. What's so wrong about it?"

"Love, this is not love. You don't work on your projects anymore. You can't destroy your career by becoming another one of my bodyguards."

"I do work Yoongi. I work on your projects." Insoo said taken aback.

"I have schedule only twice a year and we both know that is not what I mean. I- Let's just have a counselling session okay? Let's just go together and figure out what we can do. You can't keep following me like this. This is not good for you. This is not good for us."

"Are you calling me crazy?"

"What?! No, love. I just thing you are still in shock from all that happened and we may need to see if counselling can help-"

"Stop right there Yoongi. If you are going to tell me that you want me talking to a shrink and lock me up in an asylum, stop right there. I'm doing this because I love you. Yoongi, nobody else is gonna protect you like I would. They all are behind your fame and money and you think I am the crazy one?"

"Insoo, I'm also doing this because I love you. I can't see you destroy yourself over this paranoia. Can't you see how this is affecting our relationship? When is the last time we went on a date? Or even went for a walk?"

"That's because those crazy people could be there. They could attack yo-"

"See this is what I mean. You are always on about people attacking me and you are losing sight of everything else. What about us, Insoo?" Yoongi said with tear-filled eyes.

"I am here with you right?"

"Yes physically, you are, but mentally I lost you on that damned day."

"I don't understand Yoongi. What should I do?"

"Just this once, trust me. One of my friend does these counselling sessions. We will just talk about everything out and it might help us? Please tell me you will try for me. Please?"

"If it's that important to you, then let's do that. But I don't think it is gonna be any help." Saying that she went back to packing her swiss knife and what not she deemed as weapons in case someone would attack Yoongi.

Yoongi was happy with whatever he could get. Even if it was her agreeing to visit his friend. This was going to work out. He was going to make it work.


It wasn't working out. Insoo barely spoke anything to the counsellor. The sessions were nothing but a one-way conversation. She kept promising Yoongi that she would talk about it the next time but the time never came and Yoongi had lost hope. She seemed to be lost in her own world. Sometimes she wouldn't sleep at night and sit in the living room and stay on the lookout for some killer to appear. She was frail and lost all her glow. She resembled nothing like the talented, motivated architect he had met. And that's when he knew he had to make the decision. 

"Insoo, this isn't working. Let's end this here."

"You are joking right?" Insoo asked surprised.

"No, I'm not. I wish I am but no. Let's break up. This relationship is only going to drag us down."

"Yoongi, you can't do that. I- I love you. Don't you love me anymore?"

"No." Yoongi lied through his teeth looking away. He had to do this.

"You can't be serious, I have devoted my whole life towards you."

"Well, don't anymore. I am tired of this. I don't need your protection."

"No Yoons, you don't mean that. No right?" Insoo asked again. If anything she was confused and couldn't grasp the situation. This was not something she had calculated. Not something she had planned. How does one react to this?

"I have to go. You can clear out the apartment whenever you want in the next one month. I will be gone so it doesn't matter."

"No no no Yoons, what are you talking about? I can't leave you. I have to be with you. Who will protect you?"

"STOP IT WITH THE PROTECTING!" Yoongi yelled losing his calm. Tears rolled down his face and Insoo was trying to keep her tough face up. 

"Stop it, just stop it. I'm leaving." Yoongi mumbled the last part leaving the broken girl standing alone in a room filled with so many thoughts. She stood unmoving from her spot until the sun set and then whispered the words that continued to haunt Yoongi.

"I love you Yoongi. I will protect you from far."


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