Chapter 25: Find the Stragglers

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Beacon Academy, MOB Valkyrie

Time: 0600

Michael: Alright, with all the remaining White Fang hiding out across the kingdoms, Headmaster Ozpin and Ironwood have tasked us to clear all buildings.

Jacob: How do we know where they're at?

Laswell: Recently surveillance has caught the Albain brothers, two prominent figures of the White Fang gathering in an abandoned warehouse with other Faunus arriving in the span of weeks.

Michael: And we have determined that all the remaining White Fang forces are gathering in this warehouse.

Dane: And if not all of them?

Michael: We have determined that the warehouse was an old White Fang hideout until the Battle of Beacon, so if our guess is right, they have information on the remaining locations.

Alejandro: And who is participating in this raid?

Laswell: Well, surveillance showed this warehouse is a part of an entire group of multiple warehouses.

Jaune: We're expecting that the White Fang is trying to rearm itself, so this entire area could be containing all if not most remaining personnel.

Michael: So, Task Force 141, Los Vaqueros, Alpha, and Bravo team are to get in and take care of business, while Sierra Company patrols creates a perimeter.

Laswell: If any information is found, you are to report back.

Alejandro: Is that it?

Michael: Yes, now get ready we're leaving in 0100.

Jaune: Right, let's move!


A squadron of 16 Blackhawks were seen going over Vale in formation.

Civilian 1: Look!

Civilian 2: What is going on!?

Civilian 4: Where are they going?

Civilian 3: Looks like it's heading to the industrial district!

Civilian 2: But why?

Vale, Industrial District

Time: 0700

The 16 Blackhawks were seen splitting up with 3 Blackhawks heading to the middle of the area, while the rest circle the lot.

Talon 2-1: This is Talon 2-1 to Golden Phoenix (Michael), delivering troops now.

The 3 Blackhawks deployed their ropes with 141, Los Vaqueros, Alpha, and Bravo then took their turns rappelling down, problem was that it took a little too long, and with the noise it attracted the remaining White Fang to the noise.

Corsac: What is that noise!?

A group of Faunus walked out a warehouse to figure out the noise.

WFG 1: It's that military!

Fennec: We have to get out of here!

Corsac: To the back door! Before they find us!

Every remaining White Fang member in that warehouse started to rush out the back door.

WFG 2: What about our other brothers and sisters!?

Corsac: Either they fall or the entirety of the White Fang falls!

WFG 3: Go!

Corsac: Arm that damn thing before we leave!

WFG 2: Yes sir!

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