Chapter 11: Wakeup call, Sabotage (Revised)

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Beacon Academy, Beacon Dorms.

Time: 0500

Alejandro: Todos arriba! Vamos a movernos!

Rodolfo was now wide awake and opened his eyes.

Rodolfo: Ay dios mío, ahora qué?

Alejandro: We've been tasked to sabotage a White Fang rally later today, and arrest anyone, local PD is also tasked to help.

Rodolfo: Alright...

Rodolfo tried to sit up but couldn't.

Rodolfo: Qué?

Rodolfo looked behind him to see Sienna hugging him.

Rodolfo: Qué demonios!?

As Rodolfo shouted out blushing while the rest of Los Vaqueros look on in amusement.

Alejandro: That's a wakeup call right there.

Luis: Yeah, I wondered how this was going to go.

Mateo: Sí.

Michael: Morning drama.

Santiago: That's for sure.

Rodolfo looked over to the rest of his team.

Rodolfo: Why the hell is she in my bed!?

Luis and Mateo just started to whistle looking away from the 2.

Rodolfo: Answer me damnit!

Sienna then started to stir awake.

Rodolfo: Huh?

Sienna woke up to Rodolfo to his dismay.

Sienna: *Yawn* What happened?

Rodolfo: Why are you in my bed!?

Sienna who was still a little sleepy, looked at Rodolfo a little happy and amused.

Sienna: What~ Am I not allowed to?

Rodolfo: *Blushing harder* I- I didn't say that...

Santiago: Now that's surprising.

Rodolfo snapped towards Santiago.

Rodolfo: Shut it Corporal.

Santiago: Yes sir!

Rodolfo then turned back to the smiling tiger in his bed.

Rodolfo: Can you please let go...

Sienna: Alright~

Sienna let go of Rodolfo allowing him to grab his gear.

Rodolfo: So, how is this working?

Alejandro: Ozpin wants 141 to watch her while we're on duty.

Rodolfo: Alright, I'll go take her to them.

Rodolfo grabbed Sienna's arm and went to the cafeteria where 141 was already.

Rodolfo: Let's go.

Sienna: Alright, calm down.

Rodolfo: R-right sorry...

Sienna: It's ok handsome~

Sienna then proceeds to give Rodolfo a kiss on the cheek.

Rodolfo: What the!?

Alejandro: Hoho, calm down Rudy. You two are going pretty fast.

Rodolfo: I- I- didn't- We- I- 

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