Chapter 2: Meeting a Wizard and General (Revised)

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Last we left off was when the Bullheads were on their way to Beacon so let's check out what happens when they land.


Jaune POV

The 2 Bullheads land and all the students, soldiers and Glynda exit the Bullheads.

Glynda: Ok students... and soldiers who's in charge here?

I walked up to Glynda surprising everyone a little except for the soldiers.

Me: I am, Professor Goodwitch.

Glynda: Well, I must admit that is a little surprising, but considering you were the leader of JNPR I'm not entirely surprised.

Me: Let's head to Ozpin's office and assess the situation.

Glynda: I've already informed Ozpin of your arrival. He's expecting us right now.

Me: Alright then, give me a minute.

I turned the marines and 141.

Me: MEN!

The soldiers and students turned to me wondering their next order I assume.

Me: We are going to the headmaster's office of this place, when we arrive, I want marines on guard. I also want 141 with me inside.

Marines: Yes sir!

I turned around shouting at them to move out.


3rd POV

Task Force 141 and Goodwitch entered Ozpin's office, while below the marines stood guard.

Ozpin: Mr. Arc it's nice to see you again.

Jaune: Please call me Captain Price, Mr. Arc sounds weird after so many years.

Ozpin: As you wish Captain.

Jaune: Thank you. Now why did you call me here?

Ozpin: I want so information on what happened to you.

Jaune: I assume you know about the portal part?

Ozpin: Correct.

Glynda: Wait a minute? A portal?

Jaune: Yes, that's how I went missing. A commander who was KIA was sent here and built it for me to become who I am right now.

Glynda: I guess that makes sense.

Jaune: Now, for my story.

As Jaune explains what happened, Glynda eyes Ghost who was playing around with a butterfly knife doing some tricks.

As Jaune explains what happened, Glynda eyes Ghost who was playing around with a butterfly knife doing some tricks

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Soap: Aye don't mess up on that LT.

Ghost: I never mess up. *Finished the trick*

Roach: Sure. Not like you fucking butted your rifle into my head the other day.

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