Prologue (Revised)

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Beacon Academy 20 Years Ago

Ozpin had sent out Team JNPR to find an energy spike in the Emerald Forest, not realizing he soon was starting a future hero's journey.

3rd POV

Jaune: Guys Look! *Pointing out to a ruin in the distance*

Nora: Ooohhh~ what do you guys' think's inside of there!?

Ren: We can't check it out guys, we have a mission. 

Ren was trying to get the team back on track, he just wanted to complete the mission and head back to Beacon.

Pyrrha: Ren is right, come on.

Nora: What if that's where the mission is.

Jaune: She's right, all the details Ozpin said was that the mission was in this area to clear some Grimm.

Pyrrha: That's.... reasonable.

Thinking that building could be part of the mission since it was a Grimm extermination mission.

The group walked off to the ruins to find it to be an abandoned armory that was converted into some sort of living area. filled to the brim with food cans, tools, and weapons, specifically weapons not from this world.

 filled to the brim with food cans, tools, and weapons, specifically weapons not from this world

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(A/N) Imagine missing some weapons, and its rundown with everything stated above,

Nora: Cooool! There is so many weapons!

Ren: This... this is an abandoned armory, and somebody lived here, but these weapons look old? They don't look like weapons I've seen either. But what's that in the back?

 But what's that in the back?

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Pyrrha: Yeah, this is weird... But I don't know about that? *Pointing to the metal circle at the back*

Jaune: I found a switch!

As Jaune flicks the switch the lights flicker on with a loud noise starting up.

Jaune: AHH what is that noise!


Philip Graves: Video log, day 15...

Pyrrha: Who's that?

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