Chapter 21: Launch

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Beacon Academy, Beacon Dorms.

Time: 1000

Jaune was seen sitting on his bed thinking about everything they've been through since they've arrived.

Roach walked up to Jaune by himself.

Roach: You alright Captain?

Jaune: Yeah, it's just... are you going back to earth or staying here?

Roach sat on the bed across from Jaune thinking about the question.

Roach: Well, I have nobody waiting for me at home, so I might stay here in Remnant.

Jaune gave Roach a smile.

Jaune: Nice to know Roach, any other reasons you're staying?

Roach: Well, we've been here for... how long?

Jaune: About 5 months are so. Give or take. Alejandro and everyone else though, about 2. 

Roach: Damn, that long?

Jaune gave Roach a chuckle.

Jaune: Time flies by, right?

Roach: Right about that sir.

Jaune and Roach had a little laugh session before they reminisce the time they spent.

Roach: Thinkin' bout it, when did Ghost and Goodwitch start dating?

Jaune: Ah... around 2 months maybe 3 after arriving.

Roach: So, Soap started dating Yang a month after.

Jaune: Yea- wait, how did you know?

Roach: They 2 couples started dating on the 20th.

Jaune looked surprised.

Jaune: Huh, didn't know, weird.

Roach: Yeah, so. When are we getting rid of the Grimm?

Jaune: About 2 hours, General Benett is having his best men transporting the nuke right now.

Roach: Good, question.

Jaune: Yeah?

Roach: How did General Benett convince the President?

Jaune: O-oh, well...


Michael was standing in the room with President Maxwell Sterling. The 2 were with some secret service, and Michael's right-hand man, and second-in-command, Leo Millard.

President Sterling: General Benett! Do you know what you're asking!

Michael: I do sir, allow me to explain.

President Sterling: Oh, please enlighten me on the wonders of causing irreversible effects!

Michael: Mr. President, we could be facing an enemy that could be more dangerous than any terrorist organization we've faced!

This got the attention of everyone in the room.

President Sterling: How so...?

Michael: The enemy are wild animals; they will tear a person limb from limb!

President Sterling: So, these people are monsters?

Michael: Not people, animals... creatures of destruction.

President Sterling: Nice joke General, now be serious!

Michael: I am, if you are to pay attention to the screen.

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