Past enemies of MK just relating casually.

Macaque continued to watch the two as he spoke to MK, "I know things have been stressful.. Scary and frustrating. But you need to know that you aren't alone in these struggles. You have your family and friends right beside you." He glanced down with a grin, "And now it's time to go save the rest of your family."

MK smiled at that, "And beat this bitch to ground where she belongs—!" He pumped a fist excitedly. His tail wagging proudly at Macaque's amused smirk.

"That's more like it—!!" Macaque chuckled, hooking his arm around the boy's head and dragging it to his chest, ruffling up his long messy locks, "That's the type of energy we need right now!"

MK grinned, "Let's do this."

Rushing down the mountain, the gang was all loaded in. Macaque helping adjust Ren's black cloak, with red star designs. Redson tying up his fiery locks. Sandy grooming Mo. Wukong sat by the window, leaning on his elbow as he peered out. He's been quiet the entire trip. MK was sitting to the side with a spare staff, his hands fiddling with it. It was given to him from Macaque's weapon storage. The simian had a hobby of collecting weapons. Tang and Pigsy were muttering a few encouraging words to each other as they prepared themselves.

Glancing out the window, he saw they were already out of the mountain range, "Alright gang! Let's get this show on the road—!" He called out.

Ren and Macaque immediately perked up and hurried over to the chalked sigil on the floor. Redson already standing around it.

The three advance chi demons held up their palms and muttered a small incantation, inciting the sigil to glow a eerie magenta shade, before summoning a large teleportation portal in front of the van.

Sandy pressed down on the gas pedal and shifted into third gear, racing straight into the massive portal, "Hold on—!"

As they landed roughly into the barren terrain. The ground dry and frozen in stray frost and snow. And the ice only grew larger the more they drove farther in Lady Bone Demon's domain.

MK peered out the window and saw the monstrous sight of the Ice Scorpio Mech, his eyes zeroing in on the staff, "I have eyes on the staff—!" He called back.

Wukong cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders back until he heard a satisfying pop, "Let's get this shit show over with..." He stood beside MK with a firm look.

Macaque snapped his fingers and the entire flooring of the Van was shifted into a dark shadow substance. Resulting in everyone falling in and ascending up on a hill that overlooked the wasteland that outstretched between them and the Lady Bone Demon.

Redson's ears perked as he spotted Mei meditating in the center of the Ice Scorpio Mech, "There she is—! Mei!" Ren and MK perked up and looked in the general direction the prince was pointing.

Tang looked on with a worried frown, "She's trying to repress the Samadhi Fire from the Lady Bone Demon's reach."

Pigsy crossed his arms, "But it looks like she's not gonna last for much longer."

"I don't see her..." Sandy looked between the group with concern. His eyes flickering around the Mech and Scorpio.

Tang tilted his head, "What are you talking about? Mei is right there!"

Sandy shook his head, "Not her. I'm more worried about the other one."

Wukong stepped forward as he watched a massive wall of blue flames erupt in front of the Mech that held Mei. The flaming wall towered over them like mountains.

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