Chapter 20

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I made my way back to the hospital once I was done. Porsche had already filled me in so I knew I was going to face an angry Chay.

I went up to the room and opened the door. I went in, only to be faced by an empty bed. I was confused. I immediately went out to the nurse's station and found out that Chay had requested for a change of rooms.

The information was to be made privy to no one and hence they couldn't tell me. I groaned. They had to be kidding me. Chay had to be joking! I called him but his phone was switched off. I knew he was angry but this angry?

I called Porsche who was stunned. Porsche had no idea he had done that so he called the hospital too. Apparently Porsche had made the list too, of not being privy to the information. There was nothing we could do as Chay was old enough to make his own decisions.

I sat down, sighing deeply. One of the nurses saw me and came up to me.

"I can only tell you he's out of danger. Broke a few bones but will be fine. He needs complete bed rest for a month but will be discharged after that."

"Can't you just tell me.."

"I can't. He has made that very clear."

I sighed. I was angry. At myself, my dad, everyone. Everyone who had caused this rift between me and him.

Chay didn't switch on his phone at all and though I went to the hospital daily, no one budged. No one told me anything. I got zero updates, had no idea on where he was, how he was and all. Finally a month later, Chay came home.

He was much thinner, but looked fresh faced. He had a bag of clothes with him and his hand was still wrapped but he looked fine otherwise.

"Chay!" I ran up to him and took his hand gently. Chay looked at me, his eyes were glittering. He just took his hand away from me.

"Yes Phi."

"Why are you being so formal.."

"You are my Phi, aren't you?"

"Chay. You and I know that isn't true. You aren't just anyone to me.. you are.."

"Porsche's Nong. A Nong to you too. That's all I will ever be."

"Why are you doing this?!"

"I am allowing you to treat me the way you have been doing so, like the kid I am in your eyes. You wish to protect and keep me from everything. Sure. You want to make sure I don't know what's happening. Sure. Let's just keep the relationship this way."

My voice dropped 2 octaves lower. "Do you realize what you are saying?"

Chay looked at me, his eyes were still glittering but steely.

"Yes. I am saying I am going back to my own home. And back to school. I don't wish to be here anymore. Not around you anymore. And I don't want to be with you anymore."

With those words, Chay just strode off. I watched as he went, this searing pain tearing through my heart.

Just then I heard a voice.

"Kinn, are you ok?" I turned to see my father. He was standing there, looking at me hesitantly.

"Do you see what you did?!?! You caused him to leave me. He doesn't want to be around or with me anymore!!"

I screamed. I was so angry. I had never lost my temper before over another person and yet Chay caused all of these unspeakable emotions in me. I turned and walked away, smashing things along the way as I did, angry as a seething lion.

I went straight to Chay's room and knocked on the door. He didn't open at all. I didn't give up. I was persistent. But karma does hit me hard.

My boyfriend was 10 times more stubborn. I was indeed learning new things about him daily. He didn't open the door at all.

But he hasn't met my persistence. I sat down, in front of his room, determined to wait for him.

Polar Oppsites [Soulmates or Not?] [Completed]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum