I only inhale a tiny little bit when the guard walks straight pasted me and continues down the hall, not even batting an eye at me, I wait until I know for sure he isn't going to come back here. It takes a little bit and my lungs hate me but after I am certain that he isn't coming for me do I fully inhale oxygen.

Being held captive reminds me of my old life way too much, the way I was practically locked in my room all the time only allowed to come out to go to school or to clean the whole house. Being on edge all the time never knowing when the next beating would be.

I look over to Miguel seeing him already looking at me with a curious yet saddened expression, he has been seeing the way I stiffen any time I hear something, anything no matter how far away it is, he sees the way I'm on edge and the way that I almost know exactly what to do.

He's curious but he never asks questions about it. I'm grateful for that, he seems to know that it would make me really uncomfortable so no matter how much he sees or how many questions I'm sure are going through his head he always just gives me a look of sadness and then he either looks away or he starts talking about his life before.

How when he first got here we were sure his family were looking for him and that it would only be a matter of days before he was free and back with his family but when it was a week and nobody came he started to lose hope, hope that his family even cared if he was alive or dead, hope that his family would save him. Until one day he just decided to stop hoping for them to come and start by thinking of all the time he had with them, no matter what they were doing it was important to him to remember it.

It was sweet in a really sad way, to think that your family doesn't care enough about you to find you but you care so much about them that you want to remember every moment, even the ones where they were fighting or where they were doing nothing but sitting in the same room.

"you know if you don't want to go back to your family when we get free, you could always stay with my family. One more person isn't going to make much of a difference seeing as we are already so big" I interrupted him talking about one of his core memories when he was a kid, playing in the backyard with all of his siblings, making sure his little sister wasn't going to get hurt by everyone

"I might if my family aren't going to want me back. But who says we are going to get out of here" Miguel smiles like the ones you always see big brothers giving their siblings when they love them and they do something that is adorable

"I am, we are going to get out of here, whether it be from my family's help or from the two of us. Either way, we aren't going to spend months in here" I try and reply like it was the most obvious thing in the world but it wasn't, I didn't know for sure that my family could find me or that Miguel and I could break out of here alive

"don't be stupid, I have tried many times when I first got here to escape it only makes things worse" Miguel was stressing the word worse like he thought I was stupid but I had to try

"that's probably because you weren't paying attention to when the guards would leave so there were only two guards in the entire hallway" I spoke really softly, slowly nudging closer to him

"Olive even if there were only two guards in the hallway we still had to take them down and then find our way out of here while trying to stay alive and there is the small detail of opening the cell door" Miguel decided to call me olive something as unusual as my nickname for him

"Plus you can barely stand let alone fight your way out of here" Miguel just gave me a look, like it was a stupid idea but I knew I had to at least try

"I can so stand. Plus once we take down the guard who I going to be sent to get me we can steal their guns and just shoot our way out. The only thing moving will be our fingers" It wasn't the best idea but it was the only one I could think of and when I thought of it I started planning and now it would be stupid to have wasted all my energy to plan something that wouldn't be used

"Promise me you won't be stupid. Promise me that when and if we take down the two guards you will be level-headed and not the smart ass I know you can be" Okay so maybe she has talked too much to Miguel and he knew what she could potentially do to make things so much worse

"I promise Miguel. And if you're so worried about me not being able to stand I heard from one of the guards when I was 'passed out' that Mikael would be here today, apparently he has some meeting or something so no torture for today, yay!" I truly do like the way I say things sometimes

Instead of saying anything Miguel just chuckled softly and shook his head, clearly trying to not find what I said funny. I mean it wasn't when you thought about it but there isn't a lot to be amused by around here so you kind of change what you laugh at while you're down here.

For the rest of the day Miguel and I were sitting right next to each other talking about how they planned to escape. What exactly we had to do to get to first two guards down and then the next two. What path we should take. If we should free the rest of the people trapped down here with us.

Miguel then warned me that most of the people down here were bad people and they deserved to be down here, that setting them free would only sign hers and everyone else's death. So we decided to just leave everyone here to die, know that I will probably think about it a couple of times a week. But then forcing myself to remember what Miguel said, they are bad people and they would only kill everyone they knew once they were out. 

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