14. spilling the truth

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It's been a week and 5 days since Hyunjin asked me to be his boyfriend.

This also means today is the last filming day, we're going to film their happy ending in a hotel so that it shows they're in France.

For some reason, tho my mother decided she wants to come with me, I know it won't end well, but I have no way to prevent her from coming.

I had already texted Hyunjin telling him my mum is with me in case he felt like running away, he didn't though of course, If I'm being honest, I would have.

" Good afternoon. " He bowed to my mother once he spotted us. " Hello, baby." He turned to me and took my hand in his to squeeze it before letting go and going back to get ready.

I followed him waving at Janna before walking up to the makeup artist.

The scene was pretty easy, they just wanted us to act like a happy couple loving each other, which wasn't hard since we are a couple, but no one need to know this.

'' CUT. Congrats everyone, time out is officially done.'' we smiled at each happy that we finished our first work successfully, he started leaning in slowly and I couldn't bring myself to stop him, even when I am well aware my mother is watching us, I can't let her take this from me, I am for once happy for where I am, clean and can't be happier, I leaned closer so we can meet in the middle and once we did, I realized that in fact, I can be happier.

'' you two are so cute,'' we heard Janna say as we broke the kiss. I didn't get to thank her before I heard another voice shouting.

'' Felix, come here now.'' I felt Hyunjin taking my hand in his so I turned to look at him before I can follow my mother outside the hotel room.

'' I will come with you, '' I kept looking at him for a while, but nodded anyway, if anything I don't want to face her alone.

''Okay, '' I sighed heavily and led the both of us outside, spreading a fake smile on my face so she wouldn't know how she was affecting me.

''yes, Mother,'' I said when I spotted her standing at the end of the hallway, she gave us a disgusted look.

'' what the fuck happened in there, how dare you do this to me in front of all these people,'' she slapped me, if anything it was expected however it only made me angrier.

''What did I do, Mother?'' I snapped, '' You made me act in a Bl, but you can't accept me? why are you doing this now? am I that bad of a son?'' I didn't notice there were tears on my cheek until my voice cracked and I realized I'm crying.

'' you are the worst son I could have asked for, and you,'' she turned to Hyunjin, '' don't think I will let this slide without telling your mother, and if you didn't stay away, I will tell him the truth.'' she started walking closer to Hyunjin, but I stopped her.

'' don't touch him.''

'' or what? you will cry? you can't do anything else anyway.'' 

''ma'am, I am going to have to ask you to leave now, I am the main actor once I say someone is out, they won't hesitate to kick them, so please leave now before I call security.'' she was about to say something else before changing her mind. she turned around and left.

'' thank you,'' a sob escaped my mouth as I thanked him, but I don't think he minded it as much as my mother did, '' sorry,'' I tried to laugh it off but failed miserably, it's just too much when your mother is the one standing between you and your happiness when your mother feels like the cruelest stranger.

'' don't apologize, baby, it's okay, I am here no more crying, yeah?'' he hugged me gently; I am starting to get used to how safe his arms felt around me. '' let's go get some hot chocolate.'' he tickled me a little before pulling away only to hold my hand instead. '' I will go get our phones from outside, want to come with?'' I nodded and told him I want to say goodbye to Janna.

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