11. what's hidden

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first of all, I'd like to thank anyone for reading this story because it just reached 1K reads and I can't be happier about it, I honestly didn't expect much when I published it, I thought it was going to sit in my profile till I get and unpublish, but now I am excited to finish writing it and improve my skills for you to enjoy it more. and I'm sorry for the late updates, I spent too much time scrolling through twt stayville threads. 

Felix POV. 

The peaceful sleep didn't last for long.

I don't know for how long I have been sleeping when I felt the bed shift suddenly before hearing Hyunjin's heavy breath.

" Hyunjin? " I called; he didn't answer still trying to catch his breath. I quickly sat up and lit the little lamp on my nightstand, " Hyunjin, are you okay?" I repeated this time a bit lower and when I still didn't get any answers, I moved to sit closer to him.

" Hyunjin baby, look at me, I'm here it was just a dream you're safe." His attempt to calm his breath didn't work, he was fully shaking by now making me more concerned, " can I touch you?" He answered with a small nod but I'm glad he even did.

I was quick to take him in my arms after getting my confirmation that I can touch him, I hugged him tightly trying to stop his body from shaking, I can't say it was working since I can feel my heart break a little more with every shake and every heavy breath, I have no idea how to comfort him or why I even want to. but it's painful to watch him suffer while I'm hopeless.

I didn't like the feeling, so I tightened my hug more if that's even possible "It's okay I'm here now," I was whispering calmly in his ears really slow and steady. " Focus on my breathing and try to follow yeah? You're safe now." He listened. I realized when I saw our chest movements synced in a rhythm.

But his body was still trembling my hug not even close to stopping it. with My brain running a thousand miles a minute trying to find a solution to transfer all the support to the man in my arms, I remembered how Sungmin's mother used to calm me down as a kid after getting yelled at. She'd slowly move her hand on my small back and sing calmy in my ears making sure I hear every breath she takes at the end of every line. And that's exactly what I did.

I sang in his ears until his brain traveled somewhere else, leaving the poor boy to rest and have a night filled with hugs, cuddles, and comfort. As much as I could give before I fell myself asleep.

we only woke up with a knock on the door four hours later.

'' yes?'' I called trying to open my eyes.

'' open the door, Felix.'' Her voice was enough to snap my eyes open and jump to the door.

'' good morning, Mother.'' I bowed and waited to hear the words she wanted to slap my soul with.

'' My friends will be here the whole day; I don't want you in the house before 11 pm.'' Where am I supposed to go for that long? I had nothing to do but nod, and with that, she left. 

I took a deep once the door was closed and I leaned against it.

'' you can stay at mine.'' he heard a deep voice coming from my bed. I forgot Hyunjin was there for a moment. '' we need to train together anyway.''

''umm, sure I guess.'' I nodded slowly before walking to my closet to pick something comfy for the long day. I took a flannel and a black top figuring this will be the most comfortable but covering. I then walked to the bathroom downstairs to take a quick shower while Hyunjin used the one connected to my room.

after showering I walked back to my room quickly not wanting to run into my mother again.

'' I'm ready if you want to head off now,'' Hyunjin said with his calm voice. his morning voice not as deep anymore.

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