13. a calm night

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'' I am outside,'' I said to Hyunjin over the phone, Chan and I went to pick him up, the filming location isn't far and the director had told them that today will be a short shoot since they only can do it in sunset time.

'' coming right up,'' he answered and less than a minute later he was in the car. " Good morning Lixi." He looks happy.

" Good morning? It's 5pm, you're bright, excited for shooting?" I smiled before moving closer to him so I can rest my head on his shoulder.

" Well yes we're filming my favorite scene today, but I'm also excited for what's after." He smirked and tightened his grip on my hand.

" I'm excited, too did you plan or should I? " I saw Chan glancing at us before smiling fondly. He's really sweet I like him more than the old driver.

" I planned it, but I need to talk to chan in private so I won't ruin the surprise. " He explained before telling Chan they'll talk when we arrive and I'll leave the car first.

And that's why I'm walking towards the director alone right now.

" Hello, Mr Lee Felix. I'm the director assistant, unfortunately he couldn't make it today and I'm in his place," she started walking me to the makeup artists. " I'll leave you to get ready until Mr Hwang is here."

" Yes, sure. You don't have to talk English by the way I understand Korean very well." I've been living here for too long and people still assume I only speak English. What kind of brain is that.

" Yeah, sorry I understand how annoying it can be when people think you cannot speak Korean, but I'm Australian so. " She laughed a little.

" Oh really that's cool. Sorry what's your name again? " That was the last thing I said to her because the artist started applying my makeup, but I heard her say ' Janna ' before excusing herself.

" Someone's having too much fun with the Australian assistant. " I heard him before I could see him in the mirror in front of me.

I waited for the artist to go call the other one for Hyunjin before I spoke up "Jealous much?"

" She's pretty. " He shrugged. " Not as pretty as me tho."

"No one is." I replied before they were back and started applying more layers to our face.

Soon enough we were in our places facing the sunset.

" I'm going away." Hyunjin said his line.
" What do you mean?" I gave a confused but relaxed look.

" I don't want to stay here stuck, I need to follow to follow my dream the same way the stars on your cheeks follows you." When we first practiced this line we cringed at how cheesy it is then we started talking about how it can be the series iconic line.

" What about me?" The character's lines are normally short giving how shy he is.

Hyunjin sighed softly, " that'd why I told you to come meet me here, I'm going to France, " both characters stayed silent for a while before he spoke up again. " I figured since I have to where else anyway I might as well help you follow yours." The characters dream is to be a designer in France, close enough to mine, I've always dreamed to be a photographer there.

" you- you'll take me with you?"

" Of course I will, I can't live without you, if you don't want to come with me I'll stay with you, we're staying together." I started tearing up as the script said and he hugged me a little too early, but I think it fits since I didn't hear a 'cut'

" I will come with you, we can be together with our dreams."

" I will be the model to your designs. " We pulled away enough to look at eachothers eyes before we started leaning in for the kiss.

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