Progress and Happy Ending

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2 months later

Chris POV

Me and Mike finally killed Raid and now I'm working on going's been long. Aiden? Yeah...I'm used to seeing her, Cinthia always visited me with her. She's been a supportive wife. It's a long story on how I got to deal with Raid but thank God it's done...

Security: Christopher George!

Me:should be my wife*talking to my crew and walking out* and...?

Maniac:My man!*bro hug*I brought Mr lawyer with me here...Perfect,knows his work, exactly what we need

Lawyer:Mr George..nice to know you

Me:doesn't look like a lawyer to me...who are you?

Lawyer: I'm Mr Du Plesis...from Amarnia Laywers...UK?

Me:oh...right. Are you capable of getting me out?

Lawyer:More than capable but I'ma need your collaboration

Me: right..ask what you need to know I got the answers...

Lawyer:let's get to work then, gentlemen...shall we?

Cinthia POV

I was changing Aiden's diapers when I felt a shadow moving hands around my heart beat faster but my mind relaxed when I realized it was Chris.
I change direction and I see I jump on him and we spin as we embrace the feeling, the connection between us. Its been long and i been hungry for nothing but his presence around me, this feeling.


My eyes tearing up from joy. I hug him tighter, maybe with means of never separating from him, and trying to make that to clear to never separate from him.

Chris: that's a story for another day, baby, I'm just happy to have you in my hands again.

Me:wow.. Chris i cant contain my excitement right now! Look at her, smiling *looking at Aiden*

Chris picks Aiden

Chris:nana! Is dis you? Is this daddy's princess? Abudu...

She smiles and i laugh

Chris: what's for dinner

Me:hha! Is that what you came back for?

Chris:no baby...maybe yeah. Food in there, aay! Is not it. It's double blow punishment

I laugh

Me: I cooked dinner, let's go

I dish up for him and watch him eat.

Chris:mmmhhh! God! Man!  I've been longing for this!

Takes 3 bites continuously and I laugh at him.

At night, in bed.

Chris:Cinthia... I appreciate your patience and your love for me... you've been waiting for me,when I got in jail and now im out, and you're still here, standing firm waiting for me... I dont know what I ever did to get such a woman like you but I will appreciate and love and honour you as my wife and as my world. I thank you kindly Mrs George

I chuckle

Me:come here* we hug* Welcome home Mr George...

Chris:thank you, Mrs George

Me:...but I'ma ask for one thing from you Chris...

Chris: I've already read your mind, and I promise I'm done with that life.

Me:you promise me? Because I didn't like any of my time spent in jail,visiting husband.

Chris:i promise... I'm done, we will live our lives in peace now. I've fought for peace and my fight is done. I love you

Me:I love you,Slade

He looks at me and we laugh.

Chris:mmh i don't know who slade is, who's that vele?

Me:i dont know

Chris:were you cheating on me with someone?

Me:what if i was?

Chris:where is he? Slade!

Me: he's in the deepest part of my heart, that's where he's hidden

Chris:then Slade you've got the wrong heart, I'm back now

He gets on top of me and bites my breast... I laugh.


My arranged marriage: Cinthia ZuluWhere stories live. Discover now