Christmas preparations!!!

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Cinthia POV

Yoh! it's so hard pranking this old man like he's got me by heart. I wanted to do this prank of silence treatment on him to see how he's gon' handle it and you he's a love creep and a cry baby-my baby. I thought I'ma pull this prank to the end of the day but yoh! Ayy's hard. I almost cried when he banged this door crying  ncaww you guys that's my baby.

Should I pull out his prank or should I carry on I really don't know, I don't want to see him cry though yoh when he was like "did I cheat? No I didn't" I was like ncoww maarn he's feeling guilty on something he doesn't know,it's so sad

I don't think I'll cook today I'll just order MacD, it's what I'm craving.

20 mins later- my food arrived and I went to call Chris for dinner.
Me:Chris!*comes out running*
Chris:yeah baby..!need anything? Water? Juice yogurt? Food...ow shit I didn't cook! Wait baby I'll prepare something for us real quick! The thing us I got caught up in working out I even forgot, I'll prep...
Chris:yeah? What!
Me:why are you panicking?
Chris: you're concerned or...? I mean baby you know I thought you are angry at me and I'm just asking know...
Me:baby I'm not angry or mad it was a prank silly. I wanted to get your reaction and baby you're a cry baby
Chris:you serious? Baby don't play with me
Me: I'm serious babe!I wanted to prank you for the whole day but you just scratch my heart, it was so sad-your reaction were being a serious cry baby,mm I just love you*plays with his cheeks*
Chris:ow... baby it's not funny, it's not funny geez! You scared me there, don't ever do that again!
Me:it was so fun till you got emotional
Chris:I was so guilty babe,I felt guilty of doing something wrong ... I was so scared damn! You're a monster and I'ma get you for it
Me:I'd like to see you try
Chris: let the war begin baby*pecks my lips* you know when I panicked right here, I was meaning to do anything to make you forgive me... I know I was looking like a fool.
Me:you really were looking like a fool.
Chris:I'ma get you for this, but I really didn't prepare lunch
Me:I already ordered MacD, I wanna watch a movie please
Chris:okay let's go. I still am gon' get you though
Me:what ever

Chris POV

Hugh! Tht was a relief but I gotta act fast before damage creeps in.

Calls Maniac*
Me:we need to talk

I wear on my sneakers and cap and went straight to our fav club.
Meet up>>
Maniac:new problem?
Me:big one
Maniac: sup?
Me:raid's son
Maniac:raid's son? Seriously?
Me:he knows my name, last time he almost told it to cinthia but I came in before..
Maniac:that's shit coz C does know your name right?
Me:yeah! That's the problem! She knows the name
Maniac:whoa! Keep it down. So what do you say we do now?
Me:I don't want to kill the boy man, he's still young. This is shit.
Maniac:I can shut him up
Me:not permanently
Maniac:yeah, don't worry I'll give him a visit
Me:don't harm the boy
Maniac:dude! What do you take me for? We'll just be talking, like father to son.
Me:don't disappoint ker
Maniac:you've always trusted me,why now?
Me: alright,fine. just do it..I gotta go, didn't report to mistress bout my little trip
Maniac:will keep in touch boss

I got to my car and drove straight home and I found Mrs sleeping on the couch and I joined her to cuddle her.

Next morning>>
Cinthia:Chris I'm sleeping
Cinthia:we slept on the couch
Me:so what baby I'm sleeping,sheesh!
Cinthia:where'd you gone last night?
Me:to the neighbours babe, they were playing their music to loud so I attended them
Cinthia:your car?
Me:what about it?
Cinthia:it had gone to the neighbours too?
Me:no're silly*fake laugh* okay you got me, I had gone to my bro's to help me with a lil surprise for our engagement party and you've ruined it. No more surprise
Cinthia:ahh baby*funny face* I was just joking nna
Me:nope, no more surprises
Cinthia:mcm, whatever
Me:aren't you dry?
Me:you're dry I know
Cinthia:Chris what are you talking about?
Me:I'd like to wet you a little
Cinthia:no thank you.
Me:please*already inserting his hand in my panty*
Cinthia:mmh baby stop, I won't enjoy it
Me: why say that?
Cinthia:my belly's too heavy
Me:trust me*rubbing my hand on her cookie and I'm already hard*
Cinthia:mmh fuck...

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